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VOICES: making co-production a reality

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1 VOICES: making co-production a reality
East of England Regional Peer Network Stevenage, 19 May 2017

2 Gail, Jayne, Claire, Eva, Michelle, Gethyn

3 About the VOICES Alliance
The VOICES Alliance is a collaboration of SEND reform partners, Local Authorities and statutory organisations who recognise the need for support, resources and agreed good practice to enable meaningful co-production to take place across local areas.


5 Aims and Outcomes A common framework for local area partnership working, that is recognised and supported by a wide range of reform partners A shared level of expectation that can be aspired to by all local area partners. Locally agreed approaches based on national good practice. All reform partners will be able to offer consistent support and advice as well as being able to signpost areas to a single place for further support.


7 Today is an opportunity to…
Introduce the Rotherham Charter model, why and how it developed Talk about Genuine Partnerships and the co-production that runs through all we do together Experience the differences that can be achieved working in this way Think about next steps

8 The story of Genuine Partnerships

9 Parent Voices

10 Creating TRUST through Co-production:

11 Relevance

12 Special educational needs and disability code of practice:
0 to 25 years First Steps

13 SEND Reforms: setting out to change relationships


15 The Rotherham Charter How small things can make a big difference
Young person “My opinions have been valued…” Service “It helped us to make sure that our focus is on what really matters - young people” Parent “Now I recognise that I am an expert in my child and feel able to contribute fully…” Practitioner “Lots of people might say they’ve worked in equal partnership, but they haven’t. Not really. I can say that I have, and it is a proud feeling”

16 “I love our Forum” Director of Children’s Services
Head teacher “Detailed feedback was very thorough and really helped” Parent Forum “The Rotherham Charter and Rotherham Parent Forum are intrinsically linked, a partnership ethos creating better outcomes for all” Local Authority “Can I say how much pride I felt … to be a small part of the event…” Head of Inclusion“ “I love our Forum” Director of Children’s Services CCG “The Forum are regarded as strategic partners who will be key in helping to shape future services available in Rotherham”

17 Genuine Partnerships: Our Team

18 How we work together as a team A little bit of psychology

19 Genuine Partnerships: what’s working? 1. Psychology / evidence base
Social constructionist perspective Action research Activity theory Systemic practice: use of narrative, relational and collaborative approaches, emotion coaching Positive psychology: appreciative inquiry and asset based Restorative way of working

20 Overview of what is working 2. In practice this means we…
Try to make the space to listen…and then listen Give people choices Accept feelings are important Show that we are human Value every contribution Stay interested

21 Overview of what is working
3. In reality this means… Preparing for, and accepting, some inconvenience; things can take longer and be messier…and this is OK No longer making assumptions, avoiding judgement Acknowledging and validating feelings and concerns Nurturing and highlighting strengths Increased confidence in self and others Valuing the positive relationships, processes and outcomes that arise

22 Charter Friendly Check Charter Gold Accreditation Packages
Charter Promise First Steps Charter Gold Accreditation Packages


24 Genuine Partnerships

25 So in summary…



28 Consultation is a one night stand… Co-production is a long term relationship

29 “A relationship where professionals and citizens share power to plan and deliver support together, recognising that both partners have vital contributions to make in order to improve quality of life for people and communities.” Working definition from the New Economics Foundation:

30 Appreciative Inquiry brought us together




34 “All education settings for young people with special needs will have student champions”

35 “There will be a better service on public transport”

36 “All information, advice and any updates will be shared with parents and carers as equal partners”

37 “Young people will be involved in training delivery regarding SEND”

38 Next Steps

39 “We felt able to give our honest and unadulterated feedback parent

40 “The day was so energetic and inspiring” professional

41 “My opinion matters” young person

42 “We did not feel intimated by the amount of professionals in the room – we were treated as equals and felt that our opinions were valued “ parent

43 “Great event! Would like to see more events in partnership with neighbouring local authorities to learn from other areas!” young person


45 Making co-production a reality
VOICES Making co-production a reality A unique training and consultancy package Coming to a local area near you Autumn 2017 Gethyn

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