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The inventor of spirometer: John Hutchinson (1846)

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Presentation on theme: "The inventor of spirometer: John Hutchinson (1846)"— Presentation transcript:


2 The inventor of spirometer: John Hutchinson (1846)

3 Ventilation and V/Q ratio

4 Branching of the airways

5 Static lung volumes IC

6 Slow (SVC) and forced (FVC) vital capacity in
health and disease

7 Elastic forces and airway diameter

8 Antropometric data determine reference values
Age Height Sex Race

9 Spirogram and flow-volume loop

10 Asthma - reversible airway obstruction
spirogram F-V loop FVC: 2.4 (73 ref%) – 3.1 (92 ref%) FEV1: 1.0 (36 ref%) – 1.5 (52 ref%) FEV1/FVC: 42% - 49%

11 COPD = postbronchodilator FEV1/FVC<70% (irreversible airway obstruction

12 Lung fibrosis FVC: 75 ref% TLC: 63 ref% FEV1: 78 ref% RV: 57 ref%
FEV1/FVC: 87% DLCO: 34 ref%

13 Heart failure FVC: 55 ref% FEV1: 49 ref% FEV1/FVC: 74%

14 Typical spirograms and
flow-volume loops

15 Etiology of obstructive and restrictive ventilatory

16 Pathophysiology of the variable lesion of the
major (proximal) airways

17 Typical F-V loops in cases of lesions of
the major airways



20 Flow-volume loops A:normal, B:obstructive, C:restrictive

21 Inhalative provocation test with metacholin

22 Asthma – reversible obtruction
healthy asthmatic


24 COPD (emphysema!!!)

25 Lung fibrosis

26 Use of spacer with MDI

27 How to measure FRC (RV,TLC) ?
Nitrogen washout method Inert gas dilution technique Plethysmography





32 Resistance

33 Volume dependence of airway resistance (Raw)
SRaw (cmH2O/L/sec) 1 2 4 6 8 3 Lung Volume (liters) TLC RV

34 Compliance


36 Diffusion capacity (DLCO, DLCO/VA, Tco, Kco)



39 Arterial Blood Gas

40 Respiratory and metabolic shifts
chronic acute acute chronic

41 Exercise tests in lung diseases
Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) - FEV1 Interstitial lung disease (ILD) - SAT Exercise tolerance in rehabilitation (COPD) - cardiopulmonary exercise (CPX). Important variables: - work rate (watts), SpO2, ABG - VO2, VCO2, RQ, VE - lactate threshold (LT) - breathing reserve (1-VEmax/MVV) - heart rate reserve (1-HRmax/220-age)

42 Mechanism of exercise-induced Hypoxaemia (decreased contact time)



45 Noninvasive determination of lactate threshold by the
V(entilatory)-slope method

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