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Presentation on theme: "DOMAIN EUKARYA & THE FOUR KINGDOMS"— Presentation transcript:


2 KINGDOM PROTISTA Made up of fungus-like, algae-like, plant-like or animal-like organisms Either single celled or multi-celled Can be either heterotrophic or autotrophic Mainly defined by what they are NOT: not bacteria, fungi, plants or animals


4 KINGDOM PROTISTA Fungus-like Protists: form filaments or stalks with spores (similar to fungi) Algae-like Protists: Autotrophs that perform photosynthesis Animal-like Protists (Protozoa): Heterotrophs that consume other living cells or dead organic matter. Many cause diseases such as amoebic dysentary caused by Entamoeba histolytica

5 MODEL PROTIST Heterotrophic
Widespread in freshwater, brackish and marine environments Easily cultivated; widely used in labs

6 KINGDOM FUNGI Heterotrophic organisms that recycle dead organic matter
Grow from threadlike filaments called hyphae Cell walls made of chitin (same as insects)

7 KINGDOM FUNGI Some form symbiotic relationships with plants by taking in nutrients from roots Fungi reproduce asexually Representatives include: Mushrooms -Yeast Mildew -Truffles “Athletes foot” fungus -Bread Mold

8 KINGDOM PLANTAE Consists of all land plants
Large variety ranging from ferns and mosses to conifers and flowering plants Autotrophic; Carry out photosynthesis Adapted to life on land to avoid desiccation – drying out

9 KINGDOM PLANTAE Developed leaves for photosynthesis, stems for framework, roots for water/nutrient absorption Deciduous trees – shed leaves in response to seasonal changes

10 KINGDOM ANIMALIA All animals; multi-celled heterotrophic
Cells organized into tissues Most reproduce sexually Cephalization – form a head and brain Bilateral Symmetry: Body divided into left And right that mirror Each other

11 KINGDOM ANIMALIA Undergo period of development in which three tissue layers (germ layers) form 1. Ectoderm (outer layer) – becomes skin and nervous system 2. Mesoderm (middle layer) – becomes blood and bone 3. Endoderm (inner layer) – becomes digestive system Coelom – fluid filled cavity forms to protect organs

12 From Primitive Animals… …To More Complex Animals
KINGDOM ANIMALIA From Primitive Animals… …To More Complex Animals Lives in water Adapted to live on land Two cell layers: ectoderm and endoderm Three cell layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm No cephalization Cephalization, with brain and complex sensory organs No bilateral or radial symmetry Bilateral symmetry, with well developed anterior end and posterior end No coelem Coelem forms in the developing embryo Unspecialized aggregations Cells in specialized groups called tissues, organs and organ systems Basically immobile Mobile




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