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Long Term Causes of WWI.

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1 Long Term Causes of WWI

2 Europe 1900s

3 Bismarck’s web of alliances
After 1870 – Kaiser Wilhelm and chancellor Bismarck didn’t pursue aggressive foreign policy. Bismarck created a web of alliances to: Protect Germany from attack and Consolidate its position in Europe.

4 The Dreikaiserbund – 3 Emperors’ Leage (1873)
Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary. Vague terms but kept France isolated. The Dual Alliance (1879) Austria-Hungary and Russia were in conflict due to events in the Balkans. The Dreikaiserbund collapsed. Bismarck made treaty with the Austrians. Treaty was primarily defensive to avoid clash between powers. Germany and Austria-Hungary agreed to help each other if attacked by Russia or neutral if other European countries attacked either of them.

5 The Reinsurance Treaty (1887)
The Triple Alliance (1882) Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. If any of them were attacked, the others would assist them. The Reinsurance Treaty (1887) The Emperors’ Alliance failed due to problems in the Balkans in 1885. Germany and Russia allied to avoid any risk of war on two fronts. Germany had to stay friendly with Russia.

6 New Couse and Weltpolitik
1888 – Wilhelm II came to throne in Germany. Bismarck replaced by Leo von Caprivi as Chancellor. The Reinsurance treaty was over and led to Franco-Russian Alliance in 1894. France and Russia agreed on helping each other if attacked by Germany. Also agreed on immediate mobilization if members of the Triple Alliance mobilized. Mutual support in imperial disputes - Anti-British political clause. France free of isolation and Germany could face war in two fronts. Weltpolitik – world policy which aimed to build an overseas empire and a strong German navy.

7 Imperialism 1880 – 1905 – colonial rivalries among European countries created tension. At first the motives were economical – cheap raw materials, new markets and low-cost labor forces. Later due to Darwinian belief and nationalistic competition. Germany desired their influence to be felt outside of Europe.

8 The emergence of the alliance system.
1897 – Secretary of State of the Navy, Admiral von Tirpitz. Germany should mount a naval challenge to Britain. Naval Law (1898) – provided the building of 17 ships over the next seven years. Britain responded looking for alliances to avoid conflicts in the Far East. Britain made alliance with Japan (1902) and came to an entente with France (1904). Britain and Russia reached agreement over their relationship with Persia, Tibet and Afghanistan. Triple Entente - Russia, France and Britain. Europe divided in to alliance systems.

9 The naval race Germany’s maritime challenge to Britain started a naval arms race. 1906 – Britain launched the HMS Dreadnought. Its speed, range and firepower were far superior. The Dreadnought made the rest of battleships obsolete. Germany continued expanding its fleet. Newspapers and poplar fiction portrayed Germany as new enemy against Britain.

10 Situation in the Balkans
Turkey Didn’t rule over the Balkans any more. Serbs, Greeks and Bulgars had revolted and set up their own nation. Turkey struggled to hold on to its remaining Balkan territories. Austria-Hungary By 1900 they were losing their grip on their multi-ethnic empire. The most forceful were the Slavs – Serbs, Croats and Slovenes who looked to Serbia for support. Serbia was seen as a threat by Austria-Hungary.

11 Growing tension in the Balkans after 1900
Russia Russia was seen as the champion of the Slav people. Keeping the strait of Constantinople open to Russian ships was strategically important. Continued access to warm-water ports was vital for Russia. Growing tension in the Balkans after 1900 June 1903 – pro-Austrian King Alexander of Serbia was murdered Replaced by Russophile King Peter – determined to reduce Austro-Hungarian influence. 1905 – 1906 – Tariff war began and the Serbs turned to France for arms and finance.

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