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Welcome to Year 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1

2 Transition Work in Year 2. Last week. Afternoon playtimes.

3 Independence Mornings Selection of appropriate activities Monitor jobs
Handing in work (homework) Morning and afternoon routines. Class routines. Chart in classroom.

4 Supporting Your Child Maths – Regular practice
English – Reading and writing Letters and Sounds – Helping with the spelling quiz Homework – What to do with the log

5 Topics Funny Bones Christmas/Winter Sounds Good Puppets Flower Power
Our Village Subjects covered. Creative Curriculum and topics.

6 Other important information
School bookbags only please. Keep what is kept in them to a minimum. PE kits and school uniform must be named. Playtimes/lunchtimes. Toys must be pocket sized and not precious/valuable. Green slips for positive behaviour. Pink slips are sent home are Subjects covered. Creative Curriculum and topics.

7 Routines Library – Monday P.E. – Tuesday and Thursday
Homework Log – Wednesday Spelling Quiz - Fridays Reading book – These will be checked at least once a week so bring them in everyday. Home/school diary – Please send this in everyday. If you have written a note in it ask your child to give it to an adult as soon as they enter the classroom. Explain: learning logs, Maths homework end of units. times tables tests, spelling tests (look, cover, check), reading books etc.

8 Assessment Teacher Assessments
Maths and English tests – twice a year. Don’t worry we make it fun! Done 1 to 1 or in small groups. Phonics Testing in the summer term Benchmarking for reading. New Government assessment criteria. Emerging/Expected/Exceeding Levels – 1 sub-level of progress and differences between Year 2 and Year 3

9 Medical Can you let us know about medical conditions please.
Levels – 1 sub-level of progress and differences between Year 2 and Year 3

10 Thank you for coming Any questions….?

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