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My First Day at Senior High

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Presentation on theme: "My First Day at Senior High"— Presentation transcript:

1 My First Day at Senior High

2 Read the school diary and find…
Fast-reading Read the school diary and find… something diferent from Li Kang’s Junior High school two things important to do in class two things that the English teacher wants to improve the method of teaching; more students in the class reading comprehension and speaking spelling and handwriting

3 Organization four After reading the text,we can divide it into _____ please fill in the following table according to the text. Parts The main idea of each part Part 1( paragraph 1) Self--introduction Part 2( paragraph 2) My new school Part 3(paragraph3-5) My new English teacher and English class Part 4( paragraph 6 ) My new classmates

4 Summary: I’m Li Kang, a Senior High student coming from Shijiazhuang, the capital of _______________.Now I’m writing down my thoughts about the first day at Senior High school. In my new school, the teachers are ______________________ and the classrooms are ________. Our English teacher, Ms. Shen, is a very enthusiastic woman, and her class is really __________. In my opinion, her ______________ is special. In the first class, we __________ ourselves to each other. Everyone was very friendly though some of them were ____________ at first. Then we followed Ms. Shen’s instructions and worked by ourselves. In a word, I like her __________ very much, and the other student’s behavior shows that they also like her. There are sixty-five students in my class---more than my _________ class in Junior High, and everyone is ____________. Heibei Province enthusiastic and friendly amazing interesting teaching method introduced embarrassed attitude previous hard-working

5 Noun Verb Adjective correct / encourage enjoy enjoyable explain fluent misunderstand progressive pronounce correction encouragement enjoyment explanation fluency misunderstanding progress pronunciation

6 √ Choose the best answer: GRAMMAR
— Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets. — You_______ something. A. have left B. are always leaving C. are leaving D. always left

7 √ 2. I _____ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t have time to play
since the New Year. A. will play B. have played C. played D. play

8 √ √ 3. I can guess you were hurry. You ___your sweater inside out.
A. had worn B. wore C. were wearing D. are wearing 4. — What do you think of this kind of TV set, which _____ in Shanghai? — Well, I don’t care about such things. A. was made B. is made C. has been made D. had been made

9                                                  Thank you

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