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International Sport.

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1 International Sport

2 “ Sport brings people of all races together, regardless of their differences”.

3 Benefits Gives players/supporters the opportunity to meet and develop friendships. Unites people from different races, cultures, classes in a shared interest. It gives the best athletes the opportunity to compete against the best. It spreads interest in sport and encourages more people to play.

4 International Events FIFA World Cup and UEFA Cup Football.
Commonwealth and (IOC) Winter and Summer Olympic Games. ICC Cricket World Cup. IRB Rugby World Cup and European Cup. FIA Formula 1 Motor Racing.

5 Hosting the Events The host is the city or country staging the events.
The venue is the stadium where it is held.

6 Advantages of playing Host
Prestige – Honour to hold Olympics. Unites a country, sense of pride. Gives a boost to sports facilities. “Cities improve or build new facilities that are used long after the event has finished”. Event may make a a lot of money. “Atlanta Games in 1996 made $13m profit”.

7 Disadvantages If it runs into problems the city/country may lose money. “Montreal Olympics 1976 – lost $1 billion “ An event that attracts hooligans puts strain on local police (football). Large influx of people puts strain on local amenities. Security risk of high profile games. If event is a failure a country’s image suffers.

8 International Sport and Politics
It can promote peace and understanding. A country may decide to boycott an event for political reasons.

9 International Sport & Money
Can be expensive to host an event. Poor countries can’t afford them. Rich countries can’t afford them unless sponsored and the sale of broadcast rates. “It cost the UK £13m to just bid for the Olympics in 2012. Some people think international sport is now too commercial.

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