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Preparing for the NWCCU 10-year Self-Study

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1 Preparing for the NWCCU 10-year Self-Study
Faculty In-Service June 6, 2005

2 We have achieved a lot! For many departments this was a new endeavor
Awareness that those areas with secondary accreditation have been at theirs for a long time. Now, prepare for the Self-Study.

3 Time Line Jan. 2001 July 2001 Oct. 2001 Notified Notified – of
Accreditation Deferred Notified of Five Year Visit Locate Office of Assessment in OAA With AVPAA 1st In-service: Department Assessment Plans

4 1st In-Service: Mission Statement Initial Learning Outcomes

5 Time Line Jan. 2001 July 2001 Oct. 2001 April 2002 June 2002 2nd
In-service: 3 step model Notified – Accreditation Deferred Notified of Five Year Visit Visit on Assessment Locate Office of Assessment in OAA With AVPAA 1st In-service: Department Assessment Plans Five Year Visit

6 2nd In-Service 3 Step Model Mission Statement Outcomes & Objectives
Criteria & Procedure

7 Time Line Jan. 2001 July 2001 Oct. 2001 April 2002 June 2002 June 2003
2nd In-service: 3 step model Notified – Accreditation Deferred Notified of Five Year Visit Visit on Assessment Locate Office of Assessment in OAA With AVPAA 1st In-service: Department Assessment Plans Five Year Visit 3rd In-Service: 5 step model

8 3rd In-Service 5 Step Model Mission Statement Outcomes & Objectives
Criteria & Procedures Assessment Results Closing the Loop

9 Time Line Jan. 2001 July 2001 Oct. 2001 April 2002 June 2002 June 2003
2nd In-service: 3 step model 4th In-service: Peggy Maki Notified – Accreditation Deferred Notified of Five Year Visit Visit on Assessment Locate Office of Assessment in OAA With AVPAA 1st In-service: Department Assessment Plans Five Year Visit 3rd In-Service: 5 step model

10 4th In-Service Peggy Maki Learning Outcomes Coherence
Meaningful to students

11 Assessment Activities - Departmental
Major Field Test Exit Surveys Performance Assessment Portfolios Language Testing

12 Assessment Activities – University
Cooperative Institutional Research Project (CIRP) College Student Survey (CSS) National Study of Student Engagement (NSSE) Faculty Study of Student Engagement (FSSE) HERI Faculty Survey Course Evaluations

13 Expectations for Educational Assessment: Policy 2.2, Standard 2
Does educational assessment encompass all our offerings? Is assessment done regularly? Is assessment integrated into our overall planning? Are the expected learning outcomes published for each degree program and certificate? Is there documentation that indicates students have achieved the desired outcomes? Does your evidence indicate that assessment leads to improvement of teaching and learning?

14 General Educational Assessment
How do your department’s G.E. courses provide a “general” approach to your discipline where there is greater emphasis on “breadth” rather than “depth”? How do your G.E. courses connect to the institutional mission and goals? Are your G.E. courses appropriate for their indicated level of instruction (freshman/sophomore/junior)? How is this determined?

15 G.E. Assessment (cont.) What identifiable outcomes do your G.E. courses have in the following areas: Written and oral communication Quantitative Reasoning Critical Analysis Information Literacy In what ways do your G.E. offerings contributed to the over all education of an SPU student?

16 How do you know? What is your evidence?

17 Departmental Assessment
Are your departmental/school goals sufficiently established to provide adequate guidance? Are the indicators of success for your program adequately identified, articulated and conveyed to students? How does this occur? Are your intended outcomes realized? How do you know? What is your evidence? How is your assessment data systematically gathered, analyzed and evaluated? How have you utilized your results to ensure improved student learning?

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