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Phase Relations N. Sivakugan Duration: 6 min 31 s.

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1 Phase Relations N. Sivakugan Duration: 6 min 31 s

2 Objectives To compute the masses (or weights) and volumes of the three different phases. Va air Ma=0 Mt Vt Vv Notation M = mass or weight V = volume s = soil grains w = water a = air v = voids t = total Vw water Mw Vs soil Ms Phase Diagram

3 Definitions Water content (w) is a measure of the water present in the soil. soil air water Vs Va Ma=0 Ms Mw Mt Vw Vv Vt X 100% Expressed as percentage. Range = 0 – 100+%. Phase Diagram

4 Definitions Void ratio (e) is a measure of the void volume. soil air
water Vs Va Ma=0 Ms Mw Mt Vw Vv Vt Phase Diagram

5 Definitions Porosity (n) is also a measure of the void volume, expressed as a percentage. soil air water Vs Va Ma=0 Ms Mw Mt Vw Vv Vt X 100% Theoretical range: 0 – 100% Phase Diagram

6 Definitions Degree of saturation (S) is the percentage of the void volume filled by water. soil air water Vs Va Ma=0 Ms Mw Mt Vw Vv Vt X 100% Range: 0 – 100% Dry Saturated Phase Diagram

7 A Simple Example In this illustration, e = 1 n = 50% S = 50% air water
soil e = 1 n = 50% S = 50%

8 Definitions Bulk density (m) is the density of the soil in the current state. soil air water Vs Va Ma=0 Ms Mw Mt Vw Vv Vt Units: t/m3, g/ml, kg/m3 Phase Diagram

9 Definitions Saturated density (sat) is the density of the soil when the voids are filled with water. Submerged density (’) is the effective density of the soil when it is submerged. ’ = sat - w

10 Definitions Dry density (d) is the density of the soil in dry state.
air water Vs Va Ma=0 Ms Mw Mt Vw Vv Vt Units: t/m3, g/ml, kg/m3 Phase Diagram

11 Definitions Bulk, saturated, dry and submerged unit weights () are defined in a similar manner. Here, use weight (kN) instead of mass (kg).  = g kg/m3 N/m3 m/s2 Specific gravity of the soil grains (Gs) typically varies between 2.6 and 2.8.

12 Phase Relations Consider a fraction of the soil where Vs = 1.
The other volumes can be obtained from the previous definitions. air e Se water Sew The masses can be obtained from: 1 soil Gsw Mass = Density x Volume volumes masses Phase Diagram

13 Phase Relations From the previous definitions, soil air water 1 Gsw
Sew Se e Phase Diagram

14 Phase Relations soil air water 1 Gsw Sew Se e Phase Diagram

15 Try not to memorise the equations
Try not to memorise the equations. Understand the definitions, and develop the relations from the phase diagram with VS = 1; Assume GS ( ) when not given; Do not mix densities and unit weights; Soil grains are incompressible. Their mass and volume remain the same at any void ratio.

16 If you can remember one thing in phase relations, that should be ..
A Suggestion.. 1 Gsw Sew Se e soil air water If you can remember one thing in phase relations, that should be ..

17 Testing Times… State whether the following are true or false?
(a) Dry density is greater than submerged density True (b) In unsaturated soils, water content is always less than 100%. False (c) Larger the void ratio, larger the porosity. True

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