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Settler - Acrostic A R M A D A D E F E A T.

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Presentation on theme: "Settler - Acrostic A R M A D A D E F E A T."— Presentation transcript:

1 Settler - Acrostic A R M A D A D E F E A T

2 How successful was the rest of Elizabethan Foreign Policy to 1603?
Why did the Armada fail? How successful was the rest of Elizabethan Foreign Policy to 1603?

3 Settler Examine the brief clip of the film ‘Elizabeth and the Golden Age’. Are there any clues within it to give us an answer to LO1? (LC) Whiteboards when you think a reason is covered.

4 Main 1 Consider the text on the Spanish Armada. Discuss information as to why the Spanish Armada was ‘defeated’ considering relative importance, linkage and categorization. The following slide can be used for hints. (LC) Post-it analysis of the reasons for the Armada’s defeat. Categorize, show links and relative importance.

5 Reasons for the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
Explanation & Relative importance Walsingham’s spy system ‘The Singeing of the King of Spain’s beard’ – Barrel staves Duke of Medina Sidonia Spanish Guns Flushing Return Journey English ships Shortage of round shot Dutch blockade Planning of Invasion Heroism and Coolness of Elizabeth. Speech - ‘I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart & stomach of a King’

6 The Rest of the war - how successful?
Analyse points A-J Prepare for a penalty shoot out debate – Success v Failure.

7 Main 3 Plan the essay; ‘How far were religious issues responsible for the deterioration in Anglo-Spanish relations between ?’

8 Plenary Compare answers to my plan and each other’s. Comment

9 Home Learning Plan the following essays in different groups, ready for a whole class presentation. ‘War between England and Spain was unavoidable’. Assess the validity of this view. Neither Spain nor England wanted war when it came about in Assess the validity of this view. ‘Relations with Spain worsened from 1553 – 88.’ Assess the validity of this view. ‘The key aim of English foreign policy was to keep the Netherlands free from full Spanish control’ Assess the validity of this view. Use your notes and the revision p/pt to help.

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