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Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following:
1.What religion did Spain wish to spread across the new world? 2.Why was this an important aspect of their exploration? After 5 minutes, you will “turn and talk” to discuss their answers

2 Objective: SWBAT understand how Religious Rivalries in Europe lead to English Exploration of the new world.

3 Imagine that you all live in a small town, where everyone knows everyone and holds the same beliefs and attitudes. Then one day an angry member of the town decided to air the community’s more serious problems by posting a list of them a public place. What would happen in this town? Should the community change how it operates, or should those who are dissatisfied leave? (Turn and talk)

4 The Europeans who explored and settled in North America in the 1500’s sought wealth, they also wanted to spread their Christian faith. The first to arrive were the Roman Catholics. The only Christian church in the Western part of Europe at that time. Not long after Columbus made his first voyage across the Atlantic, however, religious conflict shook Europe. New Rivalries based on religious beliefs emerged.

5 95 Theses

6 Martin Luther sought to question the power and authority of Catholic leaders, especially the pope.
The 95 Theses is the document that Martin Luther nailed on the door of the church basically listing all the grievances and calling into question the power and authority of catholic leaders, especially the Pope How do you think people reacted to this? (Turn and talk)

7 While the Pope rejected his ideas, many agreed with him
While the Pope rejected his ideas, many agreed with him. Luther lead a movement called a reformation. This lead to a new form of Christianity called Protestantism, and what defined them as a new religion was that they rejected the leadership of the Pope. What do you think this might lead to? (Turn and talk)

8 Answer-Widespread conflict among the nations of Europe.

9 Guided Practice As a class we will popcorn read a passage titled “Religious Rivalries in Europe”. As a class, we will answer the following: 1. What is the main idea of the passage? 2. What are two details supporting the main idea? 3. What is one new vocabulary word from the passage? Define it and use it in a sentence.

10 Independent Practice Read a passage titled, “Search for a Northwest Passage” and answer the following comprehension questions: 1. What was the Northwest Passage? 2. Why did sailors want to find the Northwest Passage? 3. Why do you think Cartier decided he might have found the Northwest Passage? 4. What countries were competing to find a Northwest Passage

11 Group Work You will be broken into groups and asked to make at least four predictions on what will happen now that Spain has lost control of the Seas, and England was making their way to America. Each student must contribute at least one prediction to the group. Predictions cannot be duplicated.

12 Closure Answer the following on a post it note on the way out of class: 1.What happened during the battle between the English and the Spanish Armada? 2.What did the defeat of the Spanish Armada lead to?

13 Homework Complete a reading on Religious Rivalries in America.

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