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JASMM Conceptual Design Review

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1 JASMM Conceptual Design Review
Virginia Tech Jeff Crayley Adam Jones Sruthi Krishnan Melissa Motylinski Michelle Perez 10/23/2009

2 Mission Overview Objective:
To fly plug and play hardware from an Air Force Cube Sat Kit To demonstrate appropriate Technical Readiness Level for plug and play satellite system To fly a Photometric Space Weather Probe To demonstrate appropriate Technical Readiness Level for a new probe and amplifier system

3 Mission Expectations Expect to Prove:
A sufficient Technical Readiness Level (TRL) for a Cube Sat plug and play kit Prove a plug and play kit is a low cost alternative and low cost way to access space Plug and play systems could be a feasible way to explore space with small scale satellites CubeSat Space is available to low end customers

4 Learning Expectations
Photometric Space Weather Probe To obtain and analyze basic space weather data To understand what components are necessary for the probe to complete successful data measurement and acquisition Learning to design, build and operate satellite-like components

5 Overview of Science and Theory
The Space Weather Photometric Probe will be used to measure specific features of space weather The exact measurement capabilities of this probe are currently pending The science and theory behind the operation and measurements of the probe will be presented at PDR when they have been provided to the team by the ECE Department

6 Previous Research: Space@VT
Space Weather Research at VT focuses on research investigations of the science, technological impact, and utilization of the geo-space environment. For the past 15 years, engineers and scientists have gained a greater understanding of global warming, the effects of geomagnetic storms, the impact of the solar wind interacting on the magnetized region around the earth, and other dynamic processes that occur in the Earth's near-space environment. Students use a high-latitude network of radars to obtain increasingly sophisticated views of electric fields, plasma structures, atmospheric waves, and other effects in the ionosphere and atmosphere.

7 Previous Research: Space@VT
Research Capabilities: Satellite Mission Design and Remote Sensing Space-based Instrument Development Ground-based Instrument Development Spacecraft Modeling, Simulation, and Design Physics-based Modeling, Simulation, and High Performance Computing Global Navigation Satellite System Receiver Design

8 Mission Requirements Access to the Optical Port
Since the probe is fiber optic, the probe could use the existing camera port

9 Mission Hardware Space Weather Photometric Probe MEMS IMU
Sensor Interface Data Hub GumStix Back Up Computer: CF2 Flight Computer Additional Hardware

10 Space Weather Photometric Probe
Fiber – optic Probe Will require at least shared access to an optical port Small in volume and mass Estimated Mass = 1 lb Will require the use of an amplifier Estimated Mass = 0.5 lb More information will be presented at PDR when it is received from the Virginia Tech ECE Department

11 Memsense uIMU Sensor MEMSense µIMU Micro Inertial Measurement Unit IM C050T00 Operating Temperature Range: 0°C to 70°C Tri-axis gyroscope with digital range scaling Dynamic Range ± 1200 deg/sec Input Voltage 8.0 – 13.0 V 2000 g Shock Qualified Size: in. Diameter x in. Height The reason we chose this new sensor is that it will allow us to measure the roll rate of the rocket

12 Plug and Play: Sensor Interface and Hub
Make and Model muRataPs NDL2405SC G0833 Mass: lbs 0.002 lbs- 4 screws Volume: x x inches Hub and Sensors have equivalent masses and volumes

13 Gumstix Computer Make and Model Mass: 0.2 lbs
Vulcan Wireless Inc. PCB10080 ET80 Mass: 0.2 lbs Volume: 0.67 x 2.28 inches Gumstix Computer runs off of a Linux Operating System Marvell PXA270 Processor Speed: 400 MHz Memory: 64MB RAM 16MB Flash Features Bluetooth Communication microSD adapter USB host signals WiFi

14 Risk Mitigation CF2 Flight Computer System
Persistor CF2 DataLogger Motorola based single board computer Vibration tolerant, low power, light weight 1 MB Flash, 1 MB SRAM, 512 MB CompactFlash card UART, I2C, and SPI communications Persistor R212 Recipe Card Turnkey analog/digital converter board Eight 12-bit channels 2.5 V precision reference Capable of 80k Samples/second

15 Additional Hardware G-switch Batteries Resistors, Capacitors Relays
Voltage regulator Surface mount adapters RS converter LED

16 Success Criteria Lowest Level of Success Mid Level of Success
All hardware and software operate properly on the ground Mid Level of Success Able to integrate the system into the RockSat Payload System flies on RockSat Highest Level of Success All hardware and software operate properly in space and generate usable data for data analysis

17 Benefits Operating a plug and play system in space will generate a TRL for a low cost option and access way to space Opens up space exploration and satellite development to smaller private companies and individuals Plug and Play satellite system decreases time to flight Demonstrates a TRL for a new Photometric Probe developed at Virginia Tech

18 Expected Results Plug and Play Results
It will work and operate in the sub-orbital environment It will provide the necessary infrastructure and equipment for an instrument to operate with the probe The software and hardware will function correctly throughout the mission It will store data that can later be accessed for data analysis Potentially by AFRL

19 Expected Results Space Weather Photometric Probe
Measurement capabilities of the probe are pending Expected results of the experiment will be determined once the ECE Department provides further details on the probe

20 Why is it Relevant? Demonstration of new technology for Space Weather measurements Successful measurements with this new space weather photometric probe could lead to new developments in Space Weather research The Photometric Probe measurements could help to provide a greater understanding of Space Weather phenomenon

21 RockSat Payload Canister Compliance
Preliminary Mass Budget Component Quantity Mass (lbs) Photometric Probe 1 Amplifier 0.5 Sensor Interface 2 0.118 Hub Gumstix 0.2 Battery Pack FPGA Board G Switch with Mount 0.013 IMU Sensor Unit 0.209 Miscellaneous Total 5.776

22 RockSat Payload Canister Compliance
Payload Activation Using a G-Switch and a Shorting Plug See Block Diagram Rocket Interface Use of Shorting Wires

23 Block Diagram

24 Shared Can Logistics Plan on occupying half a can
Plan on taking up half of the mass and volume We are requesting access to the optical Port Since it is a fiber optic probe, it can be shared access We will work with the other team to provide mounting points We may just use a plate to provide a mounting interface

25 Management Senior Design Project Undergraduate Team
Will be managed and controlled by 5 Senior Aerospace Engineering students Undergraduate Team Will recruit a team of Undergraduate Electrical and Aerospace Engineering students Responsible for Testing and Construction under the direction of the Senior Students A full organization chart and Work Breakdown Structure is being developed and will be presented at PDR The Schedule according the to RockSat User Manual will be followed

26 Management

27 Monetary Budget Monetary
The Budget for the Probe is currently being worked on and will be finalized by PDR The Probe is being supplied by the ECE Department at Virginia Tech All other components for the system are pre-existing technology Plug and Play System from AFRL RockOn Disk Platform

28 Conclusions Mission to fly a Photometric Space Weather Probe with a Plug and Play satellite system To further research and understand Space Weather To demonstrate TRL for Plug and Play and the Probe

29 References

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