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doc.: IEEE <doc#>

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Peer Aware Communication MAC Final-proposal to Call for Contributions Date Submitted: 2 May, 2014 Source: Seong-Soon Joo, In-Hwan Lee, Hyo-Chan Bang Company: ETRI Address: 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOREA Voice: , FAX: , Re: Abstract: As a final contribution proposal for the IEEE TG8 standards, the PAC MAC specification is proposed. Purpose: Response to the IEEE TG8 call for contribution Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <author>, <company>

2 Peer Aware Communication MAC Final-proposal to Call for Contributions
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Peer Aware Communication MAC Final-proposal to Call for Contributions Seong-Soon Joo*, In-Hwan Lee, Hyo-Chan Bang ETRI <author>, <company>

3 MAC Primitives PDME-START.request/confirm
request : PeerServiceType, PeerGroupId confirm : PeerGroupList PDME-DISCOVER.request/indication/response/confirm request : PeerServiceType, PeerId/PeerList, PDME-ADVERTISE.request/indication/response/confirm request : PeerServiceType, PeerId, msduLength, msdu, CapablePeerServiceList PDME-PEER.request/indication/response/confirm request : PeerId, PeerLinkType PDME-DEPEER.request/indication/response/confirm request : PeerId PDME-REPEER.request/indication/response/confirm PD-DATA.request/indication/confirm request : PeerId, PeerLinkType, msduLength, msdu PD-DATA-Group.request/indication/response/confirm

4 PDME-START start peer group or join a peer group Start Peer Group
(PeerServiceType, PeerList) set superframe structure listen neighbor for n-times superframe interval report peer group list find peer group ? N Y PDME-DISCOVER PDME-PEER

5 PDME-DISCOVER invite peers. if found, setup peering or start data comm. Discover Peers (PeerServiceType, PeerList) initiator participant1 participant2 set superframe structure Discover req. Advertise req. select starting time send Discovery frame Discover req. receive from peers ? need peer link setup ? Y N Peering request N Y Peering response initial discovery times up ? N PDME-PEER PD-DATA Y no peers found ? fail

6 PDME-ADVERTISE request to advertise PD. Or search peer with sending data. initiator participant1 participant2 Advertise Peer (PeerServiceType, CapPeerServ, PeerId, Data) Advertise req. Advertise req. listen neighbor select advertising time Advertise req. (data) send Advertise frame Advertise resp (ACK) send with data ? receive ACK ? Y N N Y complete complete fail

7 PDME-PEER request to setup peer link with QoS parameters. initiator
participant1 participant2 Request Peering (PeerId, PeerLinkType) Peering request Peering response send Peering request frame receive response ? Peering request N Peering response Y complete fail

8 PD-DATA request to send data with QoS parameters. initiator
participant1 participant2 Req. to send data (PeerId, PeerLinkType, msdu) Advertise req. (data) Advertise resp (ACK) select sending slot Data request which slot ? Groupcast CFP Data response CAP send Advertise req. command with data send Data req. command with data send Data req. command with data complete complete complete

9 MAC Command Frame Discovery request command Advertise request command
Advertise response command Peering request command Peering response command De-peering request command De-peering response command Re-peering request command Re-peering response command Data request command Data response command

10 PAC MAC Frame Formats MAC frame header MAC frame information
frame control : version, frame type, frame length Discover, Advertise, Peer, DePeer, RePeer, Data peer group identifier : service type, group ID address : unicast/groupcast/broadcast peer group authenticator MAC frame information type, length, value peer group information element : with control & management commands multiple peer group IE can exist MAC frame payload MAC frame tail frame check sequence Octets: 2 2 0/2/8 variable Frame Control Peer Group Identifier Destination Address Source Address Peer Group Authenticator Peer Group Information Element Frame Payload Frame Check Sequence Peer Device Addressing fields MAC Frame Header MAC Frame Information MAC Frame Payload MAC Frame Tail

11 MPDU Structure (I) peer group ID PAC device ID
service class of peer group : service priority of a peer group PAC service profile identifier : identify the service offered by a peer group, need service profile registry local peer group identifier : identify a peer group among peer groups in a proximity which provide the same service PAC device ID global device identifier : 64bit local device identifier : 16bit local device ID indicator : 4bit 0x0 : local device ID indication 0x1~0xe : group indication 0xf : broadcast indication local PAC device identifier : 12bit generated by hashing based on global device identifier, capability of device, PAC service profile identifier reserved local peer device identifier for special purpose 0x000 : initiator of a peer group 0x001 : proxy initiator of a peer group 0xfff : broadcast (with ID indicator 0xf) or groupcast (with ID indicator 0x1~0xe) Bits: 2 10 4 Service Class of Peer Group PAC Service Type Identifier Local Peer Group Identifier Bits: 4 12 Local Device ID Indicator Local PAC Device Identifier

12 MPDU Structure (II) peer group information elements
with discover, advertise, peer command frame, data frame IE type : req./resp. superframe offset : slot location from the start of superframe superframe descriptor : structure information (optional) align with slot appearance sequence slot type (Group/CAP/CFP/Relay/Pause) slot length device advertisement information capable service list, joined peer group neighbor relation map relative localization Octet: 1 1 variable Peer Group IE Type & Length Superframe Offset Superframe Descriptor Peer Group Service List Neighbor Relation List

13 Superframe Structure (I)
MAC superframe unit length of a MAC slot : number of PHY unit resource structure : sequence of MAC slot appearance, length of each MAC slot for each PAC service, possible specific allocation of MAC slots for each phase of a service, possible specific allocation of MAC slots Superframe SYNC GROUP (DISCOVERY) IDLE SYNC GROUP CAP IDLE SYNC CFP RELAY MAC superframe Superframe SYNC GROUP CAP IDLE Sync Interval PHY frame SYNC DATA SYNC DATA SYNC DATA Superframe discovery phase S G I C S G I C S G I C S G I C discovery phase data phase Superframe 1 Superframe 2 game service S G I C S G I C S G C F I R S G C F I R

14 Superframe Structure (II)
service example : real-time short message exchange in a peer group with moving PDs specification of service phases peer discovery – peer-to-peer communication specification of superframe for each phase peer discovery phase : SYNC - GROUP – IDLE – CAP peer-to-peer comm phase : SYNC - GROUP – CFP – IDLE – CAP – RELAY – IDLE specification MAC slot MAC unit slot : 2 unit PHY slots SYNC : 1 unit PHY slot GROUP : 3 unit MAC slots IDLE : 2 unit MAC slots CAP : 1 unit MAC slots peer discovery phase peer-to-peer communication phase SYNC GROUP IDLE CAP SYNC GROUP CFP peer group

15 Fully Distributed Interference Avoidance (I)
access control within single peer group Groupcast slot used for broadcasting, discovery, peer association/disassociation, relaying command frame different backoff dependent upon the access priority of PD initiator, relay, assigned order based on hashing of PD ID CAP slot used for transmitting peer-to-peer command frame, data frame CCA with random backoff (or load dependent backoff) CFP slot pre-assigned slots based on hashing of PD ID assign slots through peer association CCA with fixed backoff

16 Fully Distributed Interference Avoidance (II)
interference avoidance among multiple peer groups access control as a participant participates on single peer group implicit control : follow the access scheme according to the type of slot participates on multiple peer groups explicit control : defer to access, schedule peer communications among peer groups access control as an initiator select start time of the PAC service phase may defer to start reschedule PAC service phase opportunistic transmission based on designed statistical access

17 Start Interference Avoidance
initiator or participant initiator participant interfere sync slot, groupcast slot, relay slot of other peer network? serve to single peer network? N Y N N interfere sync slot, groupcast slot, CFP slot, relay slot of other peer network? Y reschedule (or adjust length of slots) perform CCA according to access slot Y discard possible ? N not occupied? select start time of service phase Y remove transmit request delay transmission Y Y use slot complete complete complete complete

18 Groupcast group in a peer network addressing form a group
collaboration by sharing information provide missing part of service specific information form a group with implicit invite and explicit grouping addressing unicast in a peer network network ID + group ID + local device ID broadcast in a peer network network ID + broadcast group ID + broadcast device ID groupcast in a peer network network ID + group ID + broadcast device ID broadcast in proximity set broadcast frame type form a group any guest can invite a device in a peer network by advertising needed service capability with group ID in implicit grouping, a PD responses to the group data request by sending group data response in explicit grouping, a PD responses to the group request and can send group data frame after receiving ACK PAC device6 peer service group 1 peer service group 2 group 1 peer service group 3

19 Multi-hop Operation to extend peer group coverage
peer group relay capable PD finds an isolated PD by receiving the device advertisement frame peer group relay capable PD starts to retransmit sync and to relay frames onward on RELAY MAC slots assigned to the relay PD isolated PD can send frames on RELAY MAC slots with CCA relay PD receives onward frame and relay the frame on selected slots base upon the frame type this procedure is for one-hop relay GROUP IDLE CFP RELAY CAP PD in tier 0 GROUP IDLE CFP RELAY CAP PD in tier 1

20 Relative Positioning relation matrix based positioning
PD 1a PD 1b PD 0 tier 1 tier 2 tier 3 PD 1b2a PD 1c relation matrix based positioning angular distance to a neighbor PD for PDs in a fixed peer group to search a nearest PD to support establish PD map two hop neighbor’s relation matrix neighbor local device identifier RSSI distribute in a device advertisement frame neighbor relation list field relative positioning conjecture

21 QoS multiple class of data primitives
specify data rate, transmission QoS, unicasting/groupcast/broadcast PD-DATA data rate service class : real-time, reliable, best effort address : unicasting, groupcast, broadcast PD-DATA-GROUP PAC service profile ID implicit grouping and data request explicit grouping before data request

22 Appendix : Performance Evaluation
Simulation setup general simulation parameters ( ) large scale fading : 2.4GHz reference time duration for data : 256 us for 16B discovery phase discovery ID length : 4 bytes data phase full buffer add a performance metric, power consumption

23 PHY Parameters modulation : BPSK, ½ coding symbol rate : 1MHz
Bandwidth : 2MHz data rate : 500Kbps TX power : 20dBm Rx sensitivity : -82dBm channel loss : large sclae fading, p as 50% and Lurban as 6.8dB

24 Discover : one-to-one peer group
operation initiator sends Discover request frame (12 bytes, air time: 0.192ms) frame control(2B)+group ID(2B)+Src addr (2B)+authenticator(2B) IE control(1B)+offset(1B) FEC(2B) participant responses with Advertise request frame (30bytes, air time: 0.480ms) frame header (10B) + IE (18B) + FEC (2B) superframe structure sync inter : 101ms, sync slot (1ms) initiator : Discover Phase Superframe : sync-group-idle-group-idle-group-sync-idle-group-idle-group-idle /2 sync interval group slot : 20ms idle slot : 20ms participant : Advertise Phase Superframe : same as Discover Phase

25 CDF of Discovery Latency
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 x 100us

26 Multiple Peer Group Simulation
Simulation setup multiple peer group scenario identical service peer groups multiple services peer groups moving PDs peer group additional performance metrics overhead to achieve avoidance of interference delay variance

27 Summary MAC primitives & command frames
MAC frame formats & MPDU structure Fully distributed resource scheduling at MAC sublayer Fully distributed interference avoidance Multi-hop relaying based peer group extension Relative positioning Primitives for multiple grades of PAC service

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