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Top 10 study skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Top 10 study skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top 10 study skills

2 Take notes Note taking and writing are important skills to learn later in high school. You should take notes in class because you won’t have all the information to study in maybe a textbook or some worksheets.

3 Know how you learn Find out whatever works out the best. Try different strategies, but stick to the one that worked out in the past.

4 Ask questions When you’re studying, you should understand what you’re studying. If you don’t know something don’t be afraid to ask questions. "the only dumb question is the one you don't ask"

5 Attend class If you’re absence you could miss a lot of information for a test and unlike elementary school it is up to you to catch up.

6 Use an appointment book
If you have test dates, due dates, and appointments in your head, you wont have much space left for studying new information to remember.

7 Get enough sleep Although it might be hard not to stay up late at night studying for a test the next day, sleep has been scientifically proven to be a important factor on your GPA, how you perform tasks and how much you can remember.

8 Develop good study habits
A good study habit is to study everyday for short sessions than to have a 4 hour study session the night before the test.

9 Chose a time and place Everyone has their own idea of an ideal place and time to study. Whether it’s early in the morning in the library or at night in your bedroom.

10 Look after yourself You study better after you satisfy your basic needs. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat well, and get some exercise.

11 Time management You only have so much time in a day, so manage your time wisely. Getting your time controlled can make a big difference and a tip for helping manage your time is using a daily planner.

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