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IPads in k-4 Setting Stories from the Field.

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Presentation on theme: "IPads in k-4 Setting Stories from the Field."— Presentation transcript:

1 iPads in k-4 Setting Stories from the Field

2 Project Proposal Approached by Technology Facilitator because of previous technology grant Proposal drafted in 2011 Focused on primary grades Chose to purchase iPads Grade K-2 – Small groups Grade 3 – Class set January 2012 – Received iPads

3 First Steps… Overwhelming Tried to do “everything” with iPads
No follow up to activities Little real-world application A desire to focus on tools rather than teaching practices Lack of specific direction Lots of lower-level thinking

4 Galileo October 2012, came to Ashmont for 2 planning days
Outcomes were given to Galileo prior to meeting Project ideas were discussed and refined Provided framework for inquiry-based project Catalyst for shift in teaching practice More effective use of technology More authentic learning tasks

5 Our Project Social Studies focus Began by incorporating front matter
3.1.4 examine economic factors that shape communities in other parts of the world Began by incorporating front matter Focus on economy in the four countries Found a way to fit the iPad to the project


7 Other Uses Language Arts/Writing Social Studies/Science Math
Fit well into writers’ workshops (toontastic) Allowed lots of choice when publishing (scribble press) Social Studies/Science Used for research Google Earth Video editing (hearing video) Math Centres/basic skills practice


9 Trials and Tribulations
First year: sharing between three classes How to use iPads effectively Digital Citizenship Printing/Sharing projects with parents Theft Lack of student-friendly web resources No Flash Adequate Wifi access

10 Highlights Encourages good questions Student-centered work
Student engagement Authentic Learning Peer-Assessment Encourages good questions Student-centered work Student Interaction/Group work Reaches all learning styles

11 Other Grades 4 iPads per class Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2
Building Community Project Grade 1 Moss bag story telling Grade 2 “Day in the Life” project

12 Assessment Self Peer Teacher Instant feedback Focus on criteria
Pictures/videos Apps

13 Reflections and the Future
Greatly beneficial Shift in teaching practice Student centered possibilities Teachers need to “buy in” Support from Admin is crucial Continuing to grow and improve

14 Thank you! Questions?

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