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Logan-Hocking Schools

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1 Logan-Hocking Schools
eSIS Reports Presented by Leigh Ann Leach Logan-Hocking Schools

2 Reporting Features See samples of predefined reports BEFORE the report is run Use the demographic extract to extract specific student information Easy to use

3 If you need a report for a specific building, make sure you lock into a building

4 Let’s Begin! Go to Reports

5 Click the plus signs to access a list of reports in each group

6 If you are unsure what the report will give you, click on a report name and then click the Sample Report button

7 Sample Report

8 To Generate a real report, double click on the report name

9 Any one or combination of the following two screens may occur:

10 Allows customization, display and/or filtering of the report
Parameter Form Allows customization, display and/or filtering of the report

11 An Extract Dialog Allows you to use specific criteria under which the report will be produced

12 Extraction Step 1 Run Extract for all students ALWAYS!
Neglecting to run a current extract will use students pulled from your last extract. Make sure that the correct building is being used and the count is accurate

13 Extraction – Step 2 If you wish to specify a certain group of students – you can use the Specify Extract Criteria Click the Specify Extract Criteria button

14 A multitude of choices! The BASIC tab

15 Courses Tab

16 Misc 1 Tab

17 MISC 2 Tab

18 Misc 3 - Tab

19 Address Tab

20 Attendance Tab

21 Testing Advanced Tab

22 Farms Tab

23 Schools Tab

24 Results – Quick Glance

25 Clear Extract Criteria – Clears out any previous criteria that you may have used
Saved Extracts List – Set up your most used Extracts and then save for later use Run Extract – After all criteria is selected, click this button.

26 Once you run an extraction this box should appear.
Choose ‘Go Back’.

27 Go out the door

28 Double check your criteria
Click Run Report

29 Make your selections and then click the printer
The Parameter Form… Make your selections and then click the printer

30 Viewing your report Make sure: All Pop up Blockers are turned off
Adobe is installed on your machine

31 Success!!!

32 Building a Manual Extract
Allows you to type in the ID numbers (or names) of the specific students that you want to run a report for Lock into a Building before you start! (If you have access to multiple buildings)

33 Click Build Manual Extract

34 Start by choosing ‘Clear All Students’. Add students by using the
*Start by choosing ‘Clear All Students’ *Add students by using the ? Or typing the ID number SAVE!!! (Go back to the reports list)

35 Choose a report

36 No need to run Extract for all students because you have already built a manual extract… Run Report!

37 Choose your sort Criteria and PRINT

38 This report printed for the 2 students in my manual extract.

39 Export Ad Hoc

40 Uses for Export Ad-Hoc To pull demographic information into Word or Excel to create labels, letters, spreadsheets… To find students excluded from EMIS To find students who are missing Grade 9 Entry Dates

41 Let’s Begin! Go to Reports


43 Choose the fields for your file

44 Using the Wild Card feature

45 “Other” Category Watch out
“Other” Category Watch out! This Could create multiple records for each student

46 Let’s create the file

47 It’s time to choose WHO you want in your export

48 Many tabs to help match your criteria

49 Where are the students located?
Click Run Extract when you have your criteria selected

50 Once extract is complete, go BACK

51 Go out the door!

52 Fixed Length – BLANK Special Delimiter – TAB Export Tab fields first – CHECKED Save AS – To name the file to put in Excel

53 Save in: DESKTOP Name your file with .XLS extension SAVE

54 Create Export!

55 Click OK and WAIT…..(This may take a few seconds to several minutes)

56 Your file should now be on your desktop
Click OK and go out the Door

57 Save your changes

58 5 records indicates the number of FIELDS that you put in your file
Click OK

59 Minimize eSIS Open Microsoft Excel

60 Open your file

61 Choose Delimited Next…

62 Next…

63 Click Finish….

64 Success!!!

65 Questions??

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