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How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage

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Presentation on theme: "How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage
Marriage Enrichment Series

2 Introduction: Cheating has become America’s national pastime!
Proverbs 5:15-23 Proverbs 6:27-29, 32-35 Cheating has become America’s national pastime!

3 The Anatomy of David & Bathsheba’s Affair (2 Sam. 6-12)

4 Top 5 Things Men Want in a Wife:
Respect Domestic support Companionship Sexual fulfillment An attractive wife

5 Top 5 Things Women Want in a Husband:
Affection Conversation on a “Feeling” Level Honesty & Openness Financial Support Family Commitment

6 The Anatomy of David & Bathsheba’s Affair (2 Sam. 6-12)
Estrangement Encounter

7 The Anatomy of David & Bathsheba’s Affair (2 Sam. 6-12)
Estrangement Encounter Empathy

8 The Anatomy of David & Bathsheba’s Affair (2 Sam. 6-12)
Estrangement Encounter Empathy Enjoyment

9 The Anatomy of David & Bathsheba’s Affair (2 Sam. 6-12)
Estrangement Encounter Empathy Enjoyment Expedite

10 The Anatomy of David & Bathsheba’s Affair (2 Sam. 6-12)
Estrangement Encounter Empathy Enjoyment Expedite Expression

11 The Anatomy of David & Bathsheba’s Affair (2 Sam. 6-12)
Estrangement Encounter Empathy Enjoyment Expedite Expression Effects

12 How do you know if you’ve crossed the line between friendship and something more?
Emotional Intimacy Sexual Tension Secrecy

13 Conclusion: Making your marriage affair-proof requires a large investment of time and emotional capital. But the investment is well worth it!

14 Rules to Avoid Temptation:
Spend all your recreational time either alone or with your spouse. No meals alone with someone of the opposite sex. No rides in cars alone with those of the opposite sex.

15 4. Never tell someone of the opposite sex that you find them attractive or that you like them. 5. If someone of the opposite sex ever tells you that they find you attractive, start talking about how much you love your spouse. 6. Cultivate same-sex friendships with persons who share your morals and values.

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