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Time Series Forecasts Trend - long-term upward or downward movement in data. Seasonality - short-term fairly regular variations in data related to factors.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Series Forecasts Trend - long-term upward or downward movement in data. Seasonality - short-term fairly regular variations in data related to factors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Series Forecasts Trend - long-term upward or downward movement in data. Seasonality - short-term fairly regular variations in data related to factors like weather, festive holidays and vacations. Cycle – wavelike variations of more than one year’s duration these occurs because of political, economic and even agricultural conditions.

2 Time Series Forecasts Irregular variations - caused by unusual circumstances such as severe weathers, earthquakes, worker strikes, or major change in product or service. Random variations - caused by chance and are in reality are the residual variations that remain after the other behaviors have been identified and accounted for.

3 Forecast Variations Figure 3.1 Irregular variation Trend

4 Forecast Variations Figure 3.1 Cycles Cycles

5 Forecast Variations Figure 3.1 90 89 88 Seasonal variations

6 Techniques for Averaging
Moving average Weighted moving average Exponential smoothing

7 Moving Averages Moving average – A technique that averages a number of recent actual values, updated as new values become available. Weighted moving average – More recent values in a series are given more weight in computing the forecast.

8 Simple Moving Average Formula
The simple moving average model assumes an average as a good estimator of future behavior The formula for the simple moving average is: Ft = Forecast for the coming period N = Number of periods to be averaged A t-1 = Actual occurrence in the past period for up to “n” periods 15

9 Simple Moving Average Problem (1)
Question: What are the 3-week and 6-week moving average forecasts for demand? Assume you only have 3 weeks and 6 weeks of actual demand data for the respective forecasts 15

10 Calculating the moving averages gives us:
10 Calculating the moving averages gives us: F4=( )/3 =682.67 F7=( )/6 =768.67 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004 16

11 17

12 Simple Moving Average Problem (2) Data
Question: What is the 3 week moving average forecast for this data? Assume you only have 3 weeks and 5 weeks of actual demand data for the respective forecasts 18

13 Simple Moving Average Problem (2) Solution
F4=( )/3 =758.33 F6=( )/5 =710.00 19

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