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A Mixture of Joy and Grief

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Presentation on theme: "A Mixture of Joy and Grief"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Mixture of Joy and Grief
This month started with a barrage of bad news: our courageous friend Nadine Evens lost her bitter battle against stomach cancer, one of our music playgroup leaders, Mandy, lost her beautiful baby Darby to SIDS and then our cat Chat-chat passed away unexpectedly, all in a matter of a few days! December 2011 Updates: A Mixture of Joy and Grief

2 Little did we know that these would be Chat-chat’s last photos
enjoying the company of his family.

3 Top: our last family photo together
Right: Chat-chat’s last photo, a day before he was found dead in his favourite bean bag. Barak found him more lethargic and quiet when he picked him up at night and we were shocked to see he passed away. We suspect it might have been a heart attack, we are not sure, as he didn’t seem ill beforehand, though he would sleep for nearly all day in the last several months and was especially quiet and gentle the day before his death.

4 Misty didn’t seem bothered by his death, which was odd.
We thought she would get very distressed. He looked sleeping, it took Barak and me some time to grasp he was really gone.

5 Last pat goodbye to a good cat
I wrapped Chat-chat in a pillow case with a cat theme and then in a plastic bag, to keep him till morning, for the burial. We kept his collar. In the morning we broke the sad news to Hahgoot and she could see we were both very upset, especially Barak.

6 Hahgoot suggested that we pick flowers to put on the grave.
I dug a hole in the back garden and after explaining to Hahgoot what is an eulogy, she said we should each say what was our favourite thing about Chat-chat that we shall miss. This was also Hahgoot’s last day of school\kindergarten, and it was the worse way ever to finish this very difficult year!

7 After putting Chat-chat’s body in the grave I drew a heart in the dirt and Hahgoot placed the flowers she picked, so they’ll look like they are growing from the earth.

8 Barak placed a frangipani flower as his tribute, and now we always think of Chat-chat when we see this flower.

9 Now we have only Misty to keep us company...
Barak was especially distressed by Chat-chat’s death, as they were very close, and Chat-chat was very much Barak’s cat. He was the first creature that Barak cared for from infancy, and they spent many happy hours cuddling together. There are three tribute presentations detailing Chat-chat’s life and feline adventures from kittenhood to the ripe age of 11 years, when he left us.

10 This month we also said goodbye to our friends Yulia, Gerald and Jenny the dog, as they moved back to Melbourne for work reasons.

11 For example, Barak got recognition for his hard work
But this month wasn’t all bad, as you’ll see in our next presentations. For example, Barak got recognition for his hard work and received a generous dinning voucher as a prize for his contributions. In our next presentation: the girls spend time together

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