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Ethnicity and Identity

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2 Ethnicity and Identity

3 Ethnicity:

4 Introduction: Who we are? Is the ethnicity.
Every one has some ethnic identity. The shared heritage, tradition, values, similar behaviors, area of origin and language is the ethnic identity. The cultural characteristics are the ethnicity.

5 The views of researchers:
According to Yinger (1976) The equal ethnic groups collectively makes a society. A society must consists of a major group with some smaller groups. Every ethnic group have a mother society outside the host society. These ethnic groups are always disadvantaged by the other groups.

6 According to Erikson (2002)
There are distinctive elements to define an ethnic group. Ethnicities do not exist in isolation. He prefers the tem ethnicity than “Race”. according to Richardson (1990) “the ethnic groups are overlapped and diversed which are based on regional, language and religious differences”

7 Paul Gilroy (1997) argues that “identity can help us to comprehend the formation of that fateful pronoun ‘we’ and to consider with the patterns of inclusion and exclusion that it cannot but help to create”

8 Race vs. Ethnicity Ethnicity:
The study of race, ethnicity and identity got a great significance after 9/11. The concept of ‘Race’ is biological while ethnicity is cultural. To describe the same problem Gilroy (1987) argues that it is a ‘cultural racism’ while Barker (1981) uses the term ‘new racism’. The term Racism became problematic in modern day.


10 Ethnicity is based on cultural similarities and differences in the society or nation.
The ethnic group is the collective name of belief in common descent, common history, an origin from the same ancestry. Feeling part of an ethnic group and exclusion from other groups because of this feeling.

11 Race: The race is based on biological appearance of a Human being.
Race was a social mechanism invented during the 18th century to refer to those populations brought through in colonial America. The term produces the differences between the Africans, Europeans and Indians for the formation of hierarchy of socially exclusive categories.

12 Twine (2010) argues that “We can say that the terms ‘Blackness’ and ‘whiteness’ are socially constructed”. Ethnicity in particular and identity in general are the result of political acts.

13 Ethnic hybridity: Hybridity is the term referred to the combination of more than one form of identity. “Ethnic identity is a matter of finding a real or authentic past a sense of history and tradition__ but also a sense of future” Stuart hall (1997). Ethnic identities are under going changing.

14 Some research about the people of UK
When they were asked to fill the UK census form they showed them selves as “mixed race”. Despite showing race and ethnicity they preferred to mention and show their age family background and occupation. According to the research “the ethnic group identities are the reflection of past power hierarchies which are still influential on a global scale.

15 Ethnicity: Black people: Having distinctive cultural characteristics.
Usually linked to black men. Crime Living in slums Need help from community Less intelligent Over sexual Good at sport or dancing but no academic subjects.

16 White people: Asian people: Dumb blondes Greedy Materialistic
Businessmen Middle upper class Well spoken Can't dance Asian people: Doctors Engineers

17 Cont. Mathematician Newsagents Small business Ignorant
Extremely smart people Disrespectful towards women Large families often living under the same roof Highly religious Indian people are portrayed to be culturally backward as compared to western

18 Gypsies: Usually Irish, Romanian, Bulgarian
They are associated with funfairs Live in caravan Taking over peoples land/ destroy it Lacking in education Wear vests and jeans Women wear big dresses and hoped gold earrings etc.

19 Polish people: Cheap labor Poor Have young families
Have own restaurant Take all of our jobs e.g. builders/ cleaners




23 A Muslim police officer attacked in Brooklyn:

24 Identity = Power? Some ethnic identities have more power while others use their identity as a form of resistance. According to Edward Said (1995) in east Islam is specially portrayed in the media with highly exaggerated stereotyping. Islamic identity is an example of the link between ethnicity and religion. As media is playing an important role in the new globalized world Allen (2005) believes Islamophobia is increasing the division between Muslim communities and wider societies.

25 Types of identities: Racial identity:
Socially constructed idea based on the race Ethnic identity: Derived from a sense of shared heritage, Histry,Traditions,Values, Area of origin, and sometimes language. Gendered identity: How a particular culture differentiate a masculine feminine social roles. National identity: The nation country one was born into or (a sense of place)

26 Some terms: Diaspora: Hybridity:
the effect that ethnic identity and culture have on each other.( Gilroy, 1993). Hybridity: The Diaspora makes the ‘hybrid cultures’. As a result of migration the culture of an ethnic group spread or they themselves adopt the cultures from other ethnic groups.


28 Globalization: The globalized world has spread the identities.
It refers to the spread of the local to the global stage. The end result of globalization is not global similarity, but increased awareness of global differences. It can lead to increased anxiety and conflicts, or to increased tolerance and harmony.

29 Multiculturalism: A multicultural society is one characterized by many different cultures existing side by side. Multiculturalism can be argued to have had a big impact on culture and identity. Multiculturalism can be understood by accepting the diversity, tolerance of differences and embracing cultural diversity and promoting segregation.


31 Conclusion: The focus on ethnicity was to assure that how individuals assign themselves an ethnic identity through highlighting their values, beliefs and attitudes. It has been beneficial to take focus away from biological differences of ‘Race’. Some argues that biological ancestry is still significant in ethnicity.

32 Cont. Hall and Gilroy argued that ‘notions of ethnic identity are based on resistance and difference and are frequently matters of hybridity. The formation of ethnic identities is dynamic. Ethnicities are not necessarily distinct in a global society, the boundaries between them can unclear.

33 Perhaps the best brand you can wear Is your Own Identity.
Be Unique Be Yourself

34 Thank You

35 Any Question?

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