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Unit XI) Treatment and Therapy

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1 Unit XI) Treatment and Therapy
Chapter 18

2 A) The Field Psychologists
a) Clinical – works with classified emotional problems. Educational fields. b) Counseling – non-formal cases; include family; marital. Educational background less clear. 2) Psychiatrists – trained doctors with expertise in mental disorders. *Able to prescribe medication. 3) ***Psychotherapists – broad term for anyone intent on relieving problems. Any Dangers?

3 4) Related: could include school nurses, social workers, orderlies, guidance counselors, teachers.
B) Treatment – tends to be broken in to the same areas as the field of psych. and personality development. Psychoanalytic (Freud): emphasizes anxiety as a primary issue to overcome. Often caused by animal instincts of the ID. Methods: Free Association (uncovering truths); and Transference (of conflicts on to therapist). P.543

4 2) Humanist (Rogers) – uses less focus on the therapist, and more on patient.
Methods: a) “non-directive” therapy allows patient to determine the direction of sessions and discover the error of their ways on their own; b) “positive regard” in that all opinions are accepted. 3) Behavioral (Watson/Skinner) – uses rapid and active hands-on approaches.

5 Methods: Systemic De-sensitivization – slowly “de-sensitizing” someone to a fear. ex: elevators, heights Aversive Conditioning – makes the undesired acts/habits unappealing. About 50% effective, short term in nature. ex: nails, alcohol taste, shock (Cheers) Token Economy – financial incentives for success/corrective actions.

6 4) Group Therapy – attempts to treat multiple sufferers; share feelings, provides understanding and support for others because it allows them to identify with each other. Ex: Grief, Various Addictions (A.A.), see handout.

7 Final Exam Part I – 35 Multiple Choice (70%)
Part II - Short Answer (10%) Part III – Essay (20 %) Major Areas For Review: Personality Theories Famous Theorists – (II) Physical Aspects to Psychology Learning and Intelligence Stress/Coping Disorders

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