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2 Where does the paper that is put in the memory holes go?
QUESTION 1 Where does the paper that is put in the memory holes go? Chapter 5: Pages 37 to 39 up to paragraph ending with “April”

3 What is Syme working on? QUESTION 2
Chapter 5: Page 48 up to paragraph ending with “dark eyes.” the continue until Page 52 ending with “having now”.

4 What is the purpose of reducing words in Newspeak?
QUESTION 3 What is the purpose of reducing words in Newspeak? Chapter 5: Pages

5 QUESTION 4 What is face crime? Chapter 5: Page 62

6 Who are Jones, Aronson and Rutherford? (3 sentences, Please!)
QUESTION 5 Who are Jones, Aronson and Rutherford? (3 sentences, Please!) Chapter 5: page

7 Question 6 Explain in your own words Why is it important that 2+2=4 Use 4 to 5 sentences

8 Aside from the Money, What does the Lottery give to the Proles?
Question 7 Aside from the Money, What does the Lottery give to the Proles? (Use 3 sentences.)

9 Describe what Winston buys in the junk shop for $4. (Use 3 sentences)
Question 8 Describe what Winston buys in the junk shop for $4. (Use 3 sentences)

10 Name two things about the room above the junk shop. (Use 2 sentences.)
Question 9 Name two things about the room above the junk shop. (Use 2 sentences.)

11 Question 10 Give facts about the old man in the shop, one being his name. (Use 2 sentences.)

12 Part 2 – Question 1 Read: p. 105 thru p. 108 (paragraph 1) and answer -- The brown-haired girl gives Winston something. What is it? Name the 2 possibilities that he comes up with to explain her action. (two sentences.) What does the message say? Scrap paper folded into a square, thought police summons, message from an underground organization possibly the Brotherhood, “I Love You”

13 Part 2 – SSR 1 Read p. 111 (paragraph 1) thru p. 116 (paragraph 4)

14 Part 2 – Question 2 Read: p. 117 (beginning of chapter II) thru p. 124 (paragraph 2 “…safer.”) What is the brown-haired girl’s name? Describe her thinking (quote) about the Party and Big Brother. (3 sentences) Julia; Dislike for them, cold and she does not feel alive, fearful of her sexuality.

15 Part 2 – SSR 2 Read p. 126 (beginning of Chapter III) thru p (paragraph 8 “…hypocrites.”) Pick a partner and make up 2 questions to challenge the other half of class with in “Verbal Tennis”

16 Part 2 – Question 3 Read p. 136 (beginning of Chapter 4) thru p. 141 (paragraph 6 “…leaves.”) Name 5 food items that Julia brings into the room in a paper bag. (1 sentence) Real sugar, half a loaf of bread, jam, milk, coffee, and real tea

17 Part Question 4 Read: p. 143 (paragraph 1) thru p. 145 (paragraph 1 “… all.”) What is Winston terrified of? (1 sentence) Rats

18 Part 2 – Question 5 Read: p. 145 (paragraph 2) thru p. 147 (paragraph 1 “…afterwards.”) Julia believes there are bugs hiding behind something in the room. What is it? A picture of a cathedral that is on the wall

19 Part 2, Question 6 Read-aloud pages 147-148
SSR Read page 156 (beginning of Chapter 6) thru page 159 (end of chapter) What does O'Brien give Winston? (1 sentence) Why does O'Brien suggest they get together? (2 sentences) A piece of paper with his address on it; He wanted to talk to him about the Newspeak Dictionary

20 Part 2, Question 7 Read page 165 (paragraph 3) thru p. 167 (end of chapter) Julia and Winston talk about being discovered eventually. They know they will be tortured in the Ministry of Love. What is the one thing that Julia says the police cannot do with torture? What does Winston say is real betrayal? The police can not change the way you feel; Winston says real betrayal is making him stop loving Julia

21 Part 2, Question 8 Read: page 167 (beginning of Chapter 8) thru page 171 (paragraph 3 ending in “…empty glass”) What is O’Brien able to do to the telescreen that Winston cannot do to his? Who does O’Brien call his leader? He can turn it off; Goldstein

22 Part 2, Question 9 Read: page 171 (paragraph 4 – beginning “…Then there is”) thru page 176 (paragraph 1 ending “…wristwatch.”) What (according to O’Brien) is “unavoidable” once Winston and Julia are caught? Why can the Brotherhood never be “wiped out?” They will confess; They can never be wiped out because of the structure on the Brotherhood and there was not an organization in the ordinary sense.

23 Part 2, Question 10 Read page. 176 (paragraph 5 – beginning with “It is almost…”) thru page 179 (end of Chapter VIII) O’Brien tells Winston he will send him a copy of the book. Describe how that will be done. Write a complete answer! (4 sentences please) Before they part ways, where does Winston say he will meet O’Brien again?

24 Part 3, Question 1 Read page 225 (beginning of Part 3) to page 229 (stopping at paragraph 1) In the holding cell an old drunk woman lands in Winston’s lap. What does she suggest that she might be? -- 1 Sentence, please. Winston has a flicker of hope as he sits in the cell. What is his hope? -- 2 Sentences, please. She suggested that she might be his Mother His flicker of hope that the Brother hood would find him. They would provide him with a razor blade so he can slash his wrist.

25 Part 3, Question 2 Read page 229 (from start of paragraph 1) thru page 234 (paragraph 4 – ending with “…afterwards.”) Why was Ampleforth arrested? -- 1 Sentence, please. Why was Parsons arrested? -- 2 Sentences, please. He used the word God in a poem. He ran out of words to rhyme. Parson his daughter turned him. She heard him say “down with big brother” in his sleep.

26 Part 3, Question 3 FOLLOW ALONG WITH OUR READ-ALOUD Page 23 (paragraph 7) thru page 239 (paragraph 3, ending with “…left arm.”) Then answer the questions on the following slide

27 Part 3, Question 3 (cont.) In order to “save” Julia, what does Winston think he would be willing to endure? -- 1 Sentence, please. What “question” was “answered” when he was struck in the elbow? -- 1 Sentence, please – be sure to use your own words? In order for Winston to “save” Julia, he is willing to double his pain. The “question” that was “answered” when Winston was struck in the elbow is that no one would wish to increase their pain.

28 Part 3, Question 4 Read page 240 (paragraph 1) continuing onto page 241 Describe 3 ways that Winston reacted to these first beatings Sentences, please – be sure to use your own words.

29 Part 3, Question 5 Read page 241 (paragraph 1) continuing onto page 242 What was the “aim” (goal) of the second group of “questioners”, the men in white coats? What was their weapon?-- 2 Sentences. What was his “sole concern” during this torture? -- 1 Sentence. The goal of the second group of questioners, the men in white coats, Their weapon was Winston’s sole concern was to end the questioning quickly.

30 Part 3, Question 6 FOLLOW ALONG WITH OUR READ-ALOUD Page 242 (paragraph 1) thru Page 246 (paragraph 5, ending with “Before that –”) Then answer the questions on the following slide.

31 Part 3, Question 6 (cont.) What mental condition does O’Brien say Winston suffers from? Describe it. – 3 Sentences please. Use your own words! The mental condition that O’Brien say Winston suffers from in facts. This condition is remember something

32 Part 3,Question 7 Read page 246 (beginning with paragraph 7) thru page 249 (to paragraph 1) Winston saw THE PICTURE of Jones, Aaronson and Rutherfod. O’Brien said it did not exist. What is the Newspeak word for this, for holding two opposite answers in your mind at the same time? – 1 sentence What is the “only TRUE and Immortal mind?” – 1 sentence Doublethink is the word for holding two opposite answers in your mind TRUE mind is the mind of the party of Big Brother.

33 Part 3, Question 8 Read page 249 (from paragraph 2) thru page 253 (paragraph 4 ending with “… what I mean by that.” What does O’Brien say is the reason people are tortured in the Ministry of Love? Use 3 Sentences to explain. They bring them there to cure them; to make them sane. No one leaves uncured. The change their enemies; not destroy them.

34 Part 3, Question 9 Read Chapter V, page 282 thru page 287 (to the end of the chapter) Describe what the rats did when they got close to Winston. Describe his reaction. Use 4 sentences please. (2 sentences each) When the rats get near Winston, some of them got excited and started to eat through his cheeks and eat his tongue. Winston reacted started shaking and everything started to turn black. He passes out.

35 Part 3, Question 10 Listen to pages 290 (paragraph 3) to page 293 (bottom) Read page 295 (paragraph 1) TO PAGE 298 (the end of the novel) What event causes Winston to Love Big Brother? Use 1 Sentence. What does he dream will be his fate? Describe. Use 3 Sentences. What does he blame for not loving Big Brother ‘til now? 1 Sentence. Note: The opposite of love is not hate but rather indifference.

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