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Day 44: English Literature

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1 Day 44: English Literature
Learning target: Students will understand and apply exposition/ background knowledge of 1984 to a quiz. English Lit – Periods 1 & 5 Complete group discussion of p (1st: slide 32; 5th: p. 33) Video SparkNotes, p (through 3:58 minutes) Party slogans: “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength” “Why are kids who get less candy happier on Halloween? Human psychology: How does this connect with 1984? 1984: Book One quiz on Moodle: No notes; no books Writing: Three questions and identify at least three ironies Write down 3 questions you have from the reading Write down 3 things that are ironic so far in 1984 Discuss pages (end of book 1) Homework: Read pages for Monday and work on study guide for Book II (Monday: Writing about Oliver Cromwell; reading assignment p {The Book} for Tuesday)

2 Discussion Chapter 6: Winston remembers the past.
Role of relationships in this new world? Marriage? Prostitute p (Winston’s impression? Illegal?) His wife p (Name? What was their problem?) Big Brother’s “undeclared purpose”? P. 65 Analogy (simile) bottom of page 65 Chapter 7 (P ): “If there is hope, it lies in the proles.” Proles and animals are free. What was life like for the proles? Why weren’t they governed? P. 71 “No attempt was made to indoctrinate them with the ideology of the Party.” Ideal life for the Party, p (mark three spots) Remembers proof of Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford, p (explain) P. 80 “I understand HOW: I do not understand WHY.” P. 80: “If both the past and the external world exist…” Knew he was writing for O’Brien—to O’Brien. “Freedom…”

3 Discussion Chapter 8: Ownlife
P. 82: Takes a walk…second time in three weeks he’d missed a meeting at the community center. Ideally, no spare time for citizens. Prole-speak, p. 83 Bomb went off. Proles knew it was coming. What did Winston see and what did he do with it? Pub—tries to get “proof” of if life is better now (p. 88). Finds out “the beer was better.” Mr. Charrington p What worthless item did Winston buy? What was in it? What else did the proprietor have to show him? What was lacking? What was the rhyme all about on p. 99? Leaving the junk shop, who did Winston see? P. 101

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