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2  Why we prepare fund flow statement?
The balance sheet and income statement are the traditional basic financial statement of a business enterprise. A serious limitation of these statements is that they do not provide information regarding changes in the firm’s financial position during a particular period of time. They fail to answer following question What funds were available during the accounting period and for what purpose these funds were utilized? Have long term sources been adequate to finance fixed asset purchase? Does the firm possess adequate working capital? How much funds have been generated from operations? Why did the firm not pay dividend in spite of adequate profit? 7/24/2018 2/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

3 It is statement of asset and liabilities of the
The balance sheet is merely a static statement. It is statement of asset and liabilities of the business as on particular date. The fund flow statement overcomes these limitations of basic financial statement. Fund flow statement will provide us information about different sources of fund and their various uses in particular time. 7/24/2018 3/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

4 business, whether in the form of men, money, material, machine &
MEANING OF FUND The term fund has a variety of meaning such as cash fund, capital fund and working capital fund. 1.Cash fund –In a narrow sense, fund means only cash. ‘Cash flow statement’ portrays net effect of the various business transactions on cash into account receipts & disbursement of cash. This concept of preparing fund flow statement is not accepted, as there are many such transactions which do not affect cash but represent the flow of fund . for example: purchase of furniture on credit does not affect cash but there is flow of fund. 2. Capital fund –Here fund means all financial resources used in the business, whether in the form of men, money, material, machine & others. 3.Net working capital -Net working capital means difference between current asset and current liabilities .funds generally refers to cash or cash equivalent or to working capital. 7/24/2018 4/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

5 MEANING OF FLOW The term ‘flow’ refers to changes or transfer and therefore the ‘flow of funds’ means transfer of economic values from one asset to another, from one liability to another, from one asset to liabilities or vice-versa or a combination of these. So flow of fund refers to increase or decrease in net working capital. The increase or decrease in net working capital will take place only when one account, out of two accounts to be affected in a transaction ,is a current account i.e. current asset or current liabilities and the other account is non current account i.e. fixed asset or long term liability or capital. When a change in non current account is followed by a change in another non current account, it does not amount to flow of fund. It is because, in such case, neither the working capital increase nor decrease. 7/24/2018 5/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

6 In the above transaction both accounts are non current
For example Machinery a/c Dr To share capital a/c (Machinery purchase in consideration of share) In the above transaction both accounts are non current accounts which do not at all affect current asset and current liability. Therefore working capital will remain unaffected i.e. there will be no flow of fund. When changes in one current account results in a changes in other current account ,it also does not affect working capital i.e. there is no flow of funds. For example Cash a/c Dr To debtor a/c (Cash received from debtor) It represents an increase of cash –a current asset account and decrease of debtor again a current asset account .thus there will be no net changes in the amount of working capital, although the composition of working capital will be affected . 7/24/2018 6/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

7 In the above figure the dotted line displays there will be no flow of fund &
the dark line displays the flow of fund. 7/24/2018 7/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

8 The similar changes in non current accounts are shown in ‘Fund Flow
Preparation of Fund Flow Statement The changes which occurred in the current accounts as a result flow of fund are reflected in a statement known as ‘schedule of changes in working capital’ . The similar changes in non current accounts are shown in ‘Fund Flow Statement’. Therefore, following two statements under this techniques . 1. Statement or Schedule of Changes in Working Capital. 2. Statement of Sources and Uses of Funds or Funds Flow Statement. Schedule of Changes in Working Capital It discloses the changes in individual item of current asset & current liabilities between two period & there effect on working capital. Working capital will increase when there is an increase in current asset and decrease in current liabilities, whereas, working capital will decrease when there is a decrease in current asset & increase in current liabilities.  Net increase in working capital is treated as use of funds & the net decrease in working capital is treated as source of funds. 7/24/2018 8/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

9 Statement or Schedule of Changes in Working Capital.
Item Previous Year Current Year Effect on Working captial Decrease Rs. Incraese Rs. (A) Current Assets Cash at bank Cash in hand Stock in trade Debtors Bills receivable Advance payment Short term investment Prepaid expense Accrued income Total (A) (B) Current Liabilities (1) Short term loans (2) Bank overdraft (3) Creditors (4) Bills payable (5) Outstanding expenses (6) Unclaim dividend Total (B) Net Working Capital (A-B) Incraese / Decrease in Working Capital Total 7/24/2018 9/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

10 Meaning of fund flow statement :
This statement reveals resources from which funds were obtain by the firm hand the specific uses to which such funds were applied. The effectiveness of financial management in procuring funds from various sources & using them effectivel y for generating income without position of the firm is reflected in sacrificing the financial fund flow statement . Definitions of fund flow statement : In the words of Foulke, R.A., “a statement of source and application of fund is a technical device design to analysis the changes in the financial condition of business enterprises between two dates”. According to : Almond Coleman, “ The fund flow statement summarizing the significant financial changes which were occurred between the beginning & the end of company’s accounting periods”. a 10/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP 7/24/2018

11 This fund flow statement has two parts : Sources of fund
2. 3. This fund flow statement has two parts : Sources of fund Application of fund The difference between these two parts that is sources & uses of funds represents net changes in working capital. The excess of sources of funds over uses of fund is the net increase in working capital & excess of uses over sources of fund is net decrease in working capital. The amount of net increase or decrease as shown in fund flow statement should be equal to the amount shown by schedule of working capital changes. 7/24/2018 11/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

12 Fund Flow Statement Sources of Fund Uses Of Funds Amount Amount
Fund from operation Issue of share Issue of debenture long term loans Sale of fixed assets / Investment Non trading receipts Decrease in working capital (if any) Loss from operation preference shares debentures long term loans / Investments Payment of dividend & taxe Increase in working capital (if any) s Redemption of Redemption of Repayment of Purchase of fixed assets Payment of dividend & taxe 7/24/2018 12/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

13 Fund from operations : The profit made by a firm through normal
operations is a major source The amount of sales as shown A/c is a source of funds by of funds. in the P&L way of increase in cash , debtor and B/R. 7/24/2018 13/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

14 Profit & loss Adjustment a\c Profit on revaluation Particular
Amount Particular Amount Depreciation Loss on sale of fixed assets Under writing commissions Discount on issue of shares & debentures Preliminary expense written o Deferred revenue expenses Goodwill written off Patent or trademark Provision for taxes (If treated non current) Profit or gain on sale of fixed asset Dividend received Interest received of investment Profit on revaluation of asset Fund from operation Preliminary expense written off 14/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP 7/24/2018

15 Q-Comparative Balance sheet
of Z Ltd. As on year 2000 and 2001 were as follow Liabilities 2000 2001 Assets 2000 2001 Account payable Notes payable Loan on Mortgage Capital Sinking fund Retained Earning Provision for DD Accumulated Depreciation- Building furniture 15000 10000 40000 50000 16000 13950 1350 12000 3200 18000 75000 40000 45000 12000 16275 1425 9000 Cash Account receivable Stock Sinking fund investment Land Building Furniture 11200 21300 35000 16000 10000 60000 8000 8500 23500 30600 12000 60000 10000 7000 7/24/2018 2400 15/20 161500 151600 161500 151600 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

16 You are giving information:-
Net profit for the year 6675. Dividend amounted to during the year. Prepare a statement of of fund. 2001 amounted Rs.5000 was paid sources and uses 7/24/2018 16/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

17 Schedule of Changes in Working Capital
Items 2000 Amount 2001 Amount Change in Working capital Increase Decrease CURRENR ASSETS:- Cash Account receivable Stock TOTAL of CA (A) CUURENT LIABILITIES:- Account payable Note payable Provision for D D TOTAL of CL (B) Difference b/w (A-B) Decrease in W C 11200 21300 35000 8500 23500 30600 2200 2500 5475 2700 4400 3000 75 67500 62600 15000 10000 1350 18000 7500 1425 26350 26925 41150 35675 5475 17/20 7/24/2018 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP 41150 41150 10175 10175

18 Fund flow statement Sources of fund Amount Application of fund Amount
Sale of sinking fund investment Fund from operation Decrease in working capital 4000 525 5475 Redemption of share capital Dividend paid 5000 5000 10000 10000 7/24/2018 18/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

19 Profit & loss adjustment a\c operation Particular Amount Particular
To Accumulate dep. On furniture To Dividend paid To Balance c/d 200 5000 16275 By balance b/d By accumulate dep. By fund flow operation 13950 4000 3000 525 By sinking fund On building 21475 21475 7/24/2018 19/20 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP

20 Accumulativ e Building deprecation Furniture Particul ar furniture a/
Amou nt Particula r Amoun t Particul ar Amo unt Particula r Amoun t To furniture a/ c To balance c/d 1000 2400 By balance b/ d By P/L a/c 3200 200 To P/L a/c To balance c/d 3000 9000 12000 By balance b/d 12000 3400 3400 Furniture a\c Particular Amoun t Particular Amoun t To balance b/d 8000 By deprecatio n By balance c/d 1000 7000 7/24/2018 20/20 8000 8000 Dr. G. MAHESWARAN/AP


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