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Keyboarding vs voice recognition

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Presentation on theme: "Keyboarding vs voice recognition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keyboarding vs voice recognition
By Mrs. Jennings

2 What is a Misconception?
A misconception is a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.

3 Is this true or a Misconception?
Voice recognition will make the keyboard unnecessary in 10 years.

4 Voice recognition would have to:
Recognize accents, slurred speech, the speech of a sick person, or someone with a speech problem. Recognize anyone’s speech immediately without a “training session”. Be installed on EVERY computer EVERYWHERE.

5 The jobs of the future such as technology, gaming, & programming say that...
Speaking out the commands would more than triple their time. The keyboard is their best friend.

6 Imagine a workplace where everyone is speaking out their s so voice recognition can type them.

7 Imagine being in the library where every student was speaking their ten page report into the computer at the same time.

8 Problems! Confidentiality Privacy Security

9 Problems! You would have to say your passwords out loud instead of type them.

10 Problems with standardized testing
Every test taker would have to have their own sound proof room.

11 Frustrations! She would have to say this after everything you said.
Imagine calling a customer service representative to get help setting up your new phone and having her say, “Please, wait a moment while I repeat back to the computer what you just told me.” She would have to say this after everything you said.

12 Is this true or a misconception?
Kids are learning to keyboard on their own at such an early age that they don’t need to learn it at school.

13 Why is it a problem for kids to learn to keyboard on their own?
They develop bad habits that cut down and limit their typing speed.

14 Those who At the very most can only type over 25-30 wpm.
Their accuracy as they speed up is terrible.

15 Those who “touch type” Can type wpm with ease. Far more accurate

16 Is this true or a misconception?
Bad keyboarding habits are nearly impossible to break.

17 Why teach keyboarding? Productivity!

18 Productivity The state or quality of producing something.
The effectiveness of effort.

19 Productivity Employers want to hire people who are more productive – can get more done because they are faster.

20 Productivity Studies show that in order for America to keep up with the world, workers must MASTER at least four skills.

21 Productivity Two of those skills are Computer literacy and typing.

22 Productivity These services account for 80% of the job skills needed.

23 Productivity In order for students to prepare to be successful on a job, they must be computer literate and be efficient keyboarders.

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