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Industry IT Standards in DoD

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1 Industry IT Standards in DoD
Greg Saunders Director, Defense Standardization Program Office

2 DoD Supports P. L Goals DoD Policy - Use Non-Government Standards In Lieu of Military Standards Whenever Feasible. “Non-Government” rather than “Voluntary Consensus” Use Standards that Reflect Commercial Marketplace

3 DoD NGS Policies Flow from Public Law
“National Technology Transfer Act” OMB Circular A-119 “Federal Participation in the Development & Use of Voluntary Standards” DoD M “Defense Stdz Program Policies & Procedures” Use NGS Instead of Govt Stds Unless Impractical Participate in Development of NGS if in Interest of Public and Agency Implements Public Law Approved Contains DoD Adoption Procedures NOTES TO INSTRUCTORS: There are three main policy documents that address the use of NGS in the DoD. P.L basically says that federal agencies shall use NGS in preference to government specs and standards unless impractical. They don’t define impractical -- which is fine since it then leaves it to the discretion of the agency. But an example might be that there is an existing ASTM, but it would take two years to make the needed changes for the document to meet our requirements and that’s outside of our procurement schedule. The law also encourages federal employees to participate on the NGS technical committees, but leaves it to the discretion of the agency since funding or people may not be availabl,e or there could be other valid reasons as well for not participating. OMB Circular A-119 is being revised to reflect the law. Actually, the current circular which is dated 1993 is already consistent with the law, but is being expanded to include regulatory federal agencies as well. OMB is resolving the comments on the draft now, and it might be approved before the end of the calendar year. DoD M is under revision as well. It merely echoes the Public Law and OMB circular, but it also addresses the adoption procedures. The first draft should go out for coordination before the end of the calendar year.

4 Specs and Standards Infrastructure

5 DoD Adopted NGS

6 DoD Adopted NGS 8981 NGS adopted by DoD.
NGS bodies with largest number of adopted documents: ASTM SAE AIA ANSI UL EIA

7 Joint & Coalition Warfare
DoD R, “Mandatory Procedures for Major Defense & Major Automated Information System Acquisition Programs” All acquired systems shall be interoperable with other U.S. and allied defense systems, as defined in the requirements and interoperability documents. The Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) is required for all new, or changes to existing, information technology. Implementation of the JTA is the use of applicable standards cited as mandated in the JTA. The Program Manager shall identify any International Standardization Agreement or U.S. implementing documents that apply to the program early in the design process, and thereby ensure interoperability with allied systems and equipment.


9 Types of Standards Mandated in DoD Joint Technical Architecture, Version 3.1


11 DoD NGS Participation 870 DoD personnel participate in NGS body activities. NGS bodies with the largest DoD participation: SAE 364 ASTM 238 EIA 46 IEEE ASME

12 Summary DoD pioneered use of NGS and advocates reliance on these documents. DoD will continue to aggressively pursue all types of NGS development and use.

13 Just Send Money

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