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ROSA River Oil Spill Analyser : Some Application Examples and Validation Studies in 1992 - 1998 by S.V.Zhubrin January 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "ROSA River Oil Spill Analyser : Some Application Examples and Validation Studies in 1992 - 1998 by S.V.Zhubrin January 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROSA River Oil Spill Analyser : Some Application Examples and Validation Studies in 1992 - 1998
by S.V.Zhubrin January 2011

2 Wind drifting of oil slick
River Irtysh of West Siberia, Russia Instantaneous surface spill of 500 cubic m Wind of 5 m/sec from right bottom corner Two opposite changes in wind directions

3 Wind drifting of oil slick River Irtysh, Field exercise, August Wind of 7mps is from lower left corner

4 River Kiya spill exercise
The slick locations and contamination areas for two cases as : (a) the wind blowing in indicated direction at 8 mps and (b) no- wind conditions In case (a) most of the oil hits the right shore and slowly leaks back into the water. The model results agree remarkably well with observed location of contamination area.

5 River Kiya spill exercise
The model results agree fairly well with velocity measurements of river currents.

6 Free-surface flows in open channels
The good agreement has been achieved with free-surface elevations and velocity distributions measured in scaled laboratory river models.

7 In-Depth water currents
The numbers in the contour fields represent field measurements. Calculated velocity vectors are found to compare favourably with data obtained in the field for the conditions of summer flow in 1993.

8 Drifting of Multi-fractional oil slick
Animation shows the movement , dispersion and depositons of slick comprising fifteen different different oils fractions. Each oil fraction is represented by its own unique colour.

9 Ice cover formation on River Irtysh
Animation illustrates the dynamics of ice formation in river course during freezing weather conditions under the influence of wind and water currents. Portion of ice-covered water surface is coloured in red.

10 Oil slick drifting underneath of fragmentary ice cover
Saint Clair River, Ohio, USA Ice-cover is in transparent shade. Slick slows down under ice, and accelerates in open water.

11 Simulation of pollution dispersion in Arctic
For details of simulation gridding click on the picture. Distribution of surface water currents can be seen here.

12 Simulation of pollution dispersion in Arctic
Transient distributions of pollution concentrations. Note the change of time scale from hours to days.

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