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Reaction fixture: What is working and not working

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1 Reaction fixture: What is working and not working
Placing coils on baseplate - working Placing of outer layers - tricky, especially seal foil Placing of blocks – mixed (easy with Cu-coil; seal foil moving) VAMAS sample placed loose Interference of mandrel overhang with splicing tool – okay Argon guide: Current setup likely only mildly (throughput only in short cut) To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page

2 Furnace: What is working and not working
+ Fan design was improved from previous design for more robustness and improved cooling - Cooling traps were increased, however the degazing has damaged the Metrotec sensors Research for adequate filtering methods is ongoing New Ar piping foreseen on the door entrance, implemented and tested in 927 - No vacuum furnace / no evacuation at RT Calibration of TCs during next service intervention when switching to type N TCs TC feedthrough on retort door with improved sealing, implemented and tested in 927 Cooling chiller already connected to the CERN emergency power line, planned for control system and fan Improving Ar flow by replacing U-beams or implementing holes on these girders

3 F. Lackner & P. Revilak, RHT / internal review

4 Ventilation: F. Lackner & P. Revilak, RHT / internal review

5 F. Meuter, C. Scheuerlein, 19. Oct. 2016
Measurement of the oxygen content in the Ar inert gas during Nb3Sn coil reaction heat treatment in the GERO GLO750KE furnace F. Meuter, C. Scheuerlein, 19. Oct. 2016

6 Mobile oxygen analyser Metrotec GSM-touch and calibration gas system
ZrO2 solid electrolyte sensor. Can only be connected when the gas is “clean” (before starting the HT) Calibration gases with 10 ppm and 500 ppm are available.

7 O2 content evolution during Ar purging of the retort of the GERO GLO750KE furnace measured with the GSM-touch O2 content was measured during purging of the GLO750KE retort (V=4.15 m3) with an Ar flow rate of l/h. First Ar purge started with ambient air in the retort. Second Ar purge continued the with ppm O2. With a flow rare of l/h one retort gas volume is exchanged every 23 minutes. The dashed line shows the expected O2 evolution, assuming that O2 content is reduced by a factor after each gas exchange.

8 ZrO2 solid electrolyte sensor contamination problem
The presently installed condensation traps are not efficient in removing the contamination released during the coil reaction HT. Additional filters need be installed to protect the sensors (to be tested).

9 The sensors installed at the GERO GLO750KE furnace
The Metrotec A15E sensors have been shipped to Metrotec. Waiting for an offer to repair or replace them. After repair they will be used to continuously monitor the oxygen content at the gas exit of the retort and of the reaction fixture exit. A more robust sensor type (thermal conductivity analyser) will be added as an interlock.

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