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Careers Wales North West

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1 Careers Wales North West
Keypal Pilot Sarah Jones-Morris

2 Careers Wales Umbrella name for the 6 career companies in Wales
Funded by the Welsh Assembly Government (also some ESF funding) Careers Information, Advice & Guidance – All age Education Business Links & Enterprise Work with disaffected young people – Youth Gateway & Keeping In Touch (KIT) Work with employers – recruitment, workforce development

3 The e-portfolio tool
Vision - A virtual, all-age, bilingual, guidance and information service that also enables everyone in Wales to develop their own e-portfolio Registrations – in the first year 78,000 people registered in Wales

4 Keypal Pilot Youth Gateway Project aims:
engage 16 and 17 year olds in education,employment or training build confidence & motivation in clients. Project includes: 5 day initial assessment programme 1-2-1 mentoring

5 Using the e-portfolio Via 1-2-1mentoring
Giving tasks for young people to do in their own time. Running a full day session on the YG Initial Assessment Program. (5 hours) Half day job club sessions ( job search sessions 3 hours)

6 Future Plans Use e-portfolio during all initial assessment programmes to record what young people have learnt about themselves Use the inbuilt CV wizard Create application letters & personal statements Use the interview games & quizzes



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