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Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results Acts 11.

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1 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results Acts 11

2 Peter’s actions were called in question (vv.1-3)
Acts 11 Peter’s actions were called in question (vv.1-3) Peter gives his answer (vv. 4-17) The Jews draw their conclusion (v. 18) Results in the door open to world (vv )

3 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results Acts 11

4 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results
Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18) Acts 11

5 Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18)
Reason for the questions – new and different An uncircumcised Gentile – Baptized An uncircumcised Gentile – Accepted into fellowship Peter (an apostle) associated & ate with Gentiles This was astounding & alarming to Jewish Christians Going through the same struggle Peter did earlier Seems the other apostles are in on criticism

6 They are struggling too This is new to them!
“It seems implied that some of the apostles who were still at Jerusalem were in on the criticism. At least, had they expressed their approval of Peter’s action, there would have been less opposition from those circumcised believers making their complaint.” Gareth L. Reese, Acts, 407 They are struggling too This is new to them! They have not seen evidence Peter has

7 Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18)
Reason for the questions – new and different Not willing to accept this without evidence Peter had faced the same thing (Acts 10:14, 28-29) Not willing to embrace it on basis that it is new and is against tradition But willing to listen to evidence (vv. 4-17) When heard did two things (v. 18) “Became silent” – ceased taking issue “Glorified God saying…” – embraced it – spoke in favor

8 Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18)
Reason for the questions – new and different Not willing to accept this without evidence Never accept anything “new” without evidence Some always look “new” and different (Acts 17:21) Some want anything that is not “tradition” Denominationalism grew out of new things “Presiding elders” – led to Catholic church Infant baptism Instrumental music New doctrines New practices Ask questions where is the evidence (2 Cor. 4:13)

9 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results
Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18) Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv ) Acts 11

10 Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv. 16-18)
How God teaches – giving evidence for conclusion When asked if he is “coming one” – Jesus worked miracles (Luke 7:19-22) When asked about divorce for any cause – Jesus cited four principles (Matt. 19:3-6) God expects us to reason (Isa. 1:8)

11 Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv. 16-18)
How God teaches – giving evidence for conclusion Proper conclusion was drawn Peter’s conclusion (v. 17) Jew’s conclusion (v. 18) What they did not conclude: Gentiles are saved differently that we are Every prospect / convert will receive HSB Saved without repentance and obedience

12 Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv. 16-18)
How god Teaches – giving evidence for conclusion Proper conclusion was drawn How conclusion was / should be drawn Careful consideration of what was said / done – vs – what is not said / done Test it by the fundamentals that you know Knew what God required to be save (Acts 2) Knew God is no respecter of person (Acts 10:34) Is this an inference or a necessary inference? Is my conclusion consistent? Other passages that come into play (i.e. Acts 15:13-ff)

13 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results
Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18) Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv ) Order Makes a Difference (v. 15) Acts 11

14 Order Makes a Difference (v. 15)
Peter gives the events by order Acts 10 is not “by order” (Sermon first then the Holy Spirit fell) Here: “in order from the beginning” (“orderly sequence” (NASB) What difference did it make? At what point Holy Spirit fell (v. 15) Conclusion can be saved (v. 18)

15 Order Makes a Difference (v. 15)
Peter gives the events by order Order matters: Faith & repentance (Acts 2:36, 38) Salvation & baptism (Mark 16:16) Telling others about sin against you (Matt. 18:15-17) Sexual relations & marriage (Heb. 13:4) Divorce & fornication (Matt. 19:9)

16 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results
Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18) Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv ) Order Makes a Difference (v. 15) Possible to Withstand God (v. 17) Acts 11

17 Possible to Withstand God (v. 17)
What does it mean to “withstand God”? “Stand in God’s way” (ESV; NASB) Oppose the manifested will of God Oppose God himself

18 Possible to Withstand God (v. 17)
What does it mean to “withstand God”? Peter would not withstand God To refused to go to the Gentiles – would be withstanding God To refuse to go to the Gentiles – would be opposing God To fail to acknowledge the inference – would oppose God Asked, “Who was I…” (cf. Rom.11:34)

19 Possible to Withstand God (v. 17)
What does it mean to “withstand God”? Peter would not withstand God Possible to oppose God himself When I refuse to do what God commands When I do what God has forbidden When I reject the forced conclusion When I reason that God’s way will not work

20 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results
Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18) Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv ) Order Makes a Difference (v. 15) Possible to Withstand God (v. 17) Need Purpose of Heart to Continue (v. 23) Acts 11

21 Need Purpose of Heart to Continue (v. 23)
Goal: “continue with the Lord” Loyal to the Lord Close to the Lord Cleave to the Lord (KJV)

22 Need Purpose of Heart to Continue (v. 23)
Goal: “continue with the Lord” Needed: “purpose of heart” A resolute heart Fixed and settle determination Make it one’s purpose in life to remain faithful That’s what makes a difference in people! One who is most dedicated & diligent has purpose of heart One who hits and misses – doesn’t have purpose of heart

23 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results
Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18) Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv ) Order Makes a Difference (v. 15) Possible to Withstand God (v. 17) Need Purpose of Heart to Continue (v. 23) Pressure Fans the Flame (vv ) Acts 11

24 Pressure Fans the Flame (vv. 19-21)
Persecution caused disciples to scatter (v. 19) Started back with Stephen (Acts 6-7) Same as the situation in Acts 8:4 Intent was to “blow out the flame”

25 Pressure Fans the Flame (vv. 19-21)
Persecution caused disciples to scatter (v. 19) Actually fanned the flame (vv ) Caused the gospel to spread – like a fire Did earlier (Acts 8:4) Resulted in the gospel coming to Antioch

26 Pressure Fans the Flame (vv. 19-21)
Persecution caused disciples to scatter (v. 19) Actually fanned the flame (vv ) Pressure (though unpleasant) is not a bad thing Makes us more determined Makes us study harder when challenged Draws us closer together Cause us to appreciate the truth when called to stand

27 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results
Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18) Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv ) Order Makes a Difference (v. 15) Possible to Withstand God (v. 17) Need Purpose of Heart to Continue (v. 23) Pressure Fans the Flame (vv ) Christians = Church = Disciples (vv ) Acts 11

28 Christians = Church = Disciples (vv. 20-26)
First use of the name Christian (v. 26) Means “follower of Christ” “Called” = by divine calling (cf. Matt. 2:12; Rom. 7:2) Used three times (cf. Acts 26:28; 1 Pet. 4:16)

29 Christians = Church = Disciples (vv. 20-26)
First use of the name Christian (v. 26) Who were these Christians? Believed and turned to the Lord (v. 21) Received the grace of God (v. 23) In the church (v. 26) Are disciples (v.26)

30 Questions, Answers, Conclusions & Results
Don’t Accept New Without Evidence (vv. 1-18) Learn the Proper Conclusion (vv ) Order Makes a Difference (v. 15) Possible to Withstand God (v. 17) Need Purpose of Heart to Continue (v. 23) Pressure Fans the Flame (vv ) Christians = Church = Disciples (vv ) Acts 11

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