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From the IU transitioning perspective

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1 From the IU transitioning perspective
Realignment From the IU transitioning perspective

2 The DI- Vorce Who gets the kids? Whose house is it?????
Family Law mediation? How do we live afterwards in the same house?

3 Process

4 Process Frustration Cumbersome Communication
Lacked clarity from the beginning Disconnect between leadership team, tiger teams, school teams, and the people on the ground

5 Frustration “You guys are on your own” That’s IU’s problem Going rogue
General education free for all Initial players from IPFW were all staying with Purdue

6 Starting to see light School teams have been very helpful in trying to understand issues Library issues are being sorted out HR is starting to figure out who is actually going to IU (staff) IU HR has agreed to meet with each person individually to discuss benefit and transition issues

7 Issues to be resolved Space
Signage – how will anyone know where we are One stop shop What services? What personnel? Any transition people from IPFW? Non-embedded advisors or school specific advisors

8 Hope for the future Two Universities can play nice in the sandbox
Collaborative work can continue across University lines IU students, faculty and staff somehow still feel part of the campus Both Universities engage more effectively in the community

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