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A Positive Perspective

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2 A Positive Perspective
For unknown reasons, American Drycleaner no longer publishes its StatShots reports that provided monthly sales statistics for the industry and previous Profilers. Nonetheless, the industry’s Clean ’17 tradeshow in Las Vegas during July attracted more than 12,500 attendees, indicating enthusiasm for the current and future status of the industry. Attendees were particularly interested in new technologies, including a garment management system that utilizes cloud- connected devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) and networked computers in a shop.

3 Making Marketing Work Most drycleaning/laundromat operators have one of five perspectives on marketing: a waste of time and money; it isn’t affordable; it isn’t effective; discounts increase traffic, but reduce profits; or it is crucial to improving sales and profits. Operators also think consumers know of their business; however, the average American moves every five years, so relying on word-of-mouth is a false promise. Operators should focus on the value of reliability, quality, professional service, convenience and fair price. According to a May 2017 American Drycleaner poll, 80% of respondents said word-of-mouth and referrals were their best methods to attract new customers; followed by promotions, 36%; route sales, 16%; partnership with other business, 11%; and app, 7%.

4 Clean Generates More Green for Laundromats
In American Coin-Op’s April 2017 issue and its 2016–2017 annual State of the Industry report, 61.1% of readers responding to the survey said their revenues increased an average of 11.2% during 2016, compared to 2015. Approximately 63% of respondents said they had bought or planned to buy new equipment, compared to 58% the previous year. Almost two-thirds (63%) said they had already increased prices or were planning to do so, 27% said they had no plans to increase prices and 9.6% were undecided.

5 A Time to Thrive American Coin-Op’s State of the Industry survey reported that 65.8% of operators expected their business to increase during 2017, 30.1% remain the same and just 4.1% to decrease. Major factors driving growth in the industry is increased employment and personal income among those consumers more likely to use coin-operated laundromats. In the April 2017 issue of American Co-Op, business consultant Howard Scott explained how laundromats in an urban environment can grab a greater share from nearby competitors by targeting an increase of 50 new customers at $9/week or $500/year.

6 Advertising Strategies
All dry cleaners and laundromats should have a proactive referral program and not just wait for word-of-mouth. Prominent signage should promote the program with rewards and/or drawings for referrals and referrals who become regular customers. Potentially profitable partnerships with other businesses for dry cleaners are bridal and prom shops, fur salons and other luxury clothing retailers, especially if the dry cleaner specializes in these apparel types. Cross promote with coupons and social media posts. To attract those 50 new customers, as suggested in the Profiler, laundromat operators can market a “Howdy Neighbor” promotion, creating a day to provide regular customers with a tour, refreshments, a drawing for a month of free laundry and live entertainment.

7 New Media Strategies Organize a used clothing drive, with in-store signs and social media posts, to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters, a homeless shelter and/or other charities. Offer coupons of various values for future services based on the total weight of customers’ donated clothing. Because consumers prefer video content, create short, simple videos of cleaning demonstration: a wine or any type of food stain on a rug or clothing, semi-annual closet review to discard/donate unused clothing, which apparel should be ironed, etc. Laundromat owners should schedule a regular “Customer Appreciation Day.” Greet customers throughout the day and introduce yourself as the owner. Discuss what they like and don’t like about the business. Record videos for social media posting.


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