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Today’s Lecture Review Foundation myths

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1 Today’s Lecture Review Foundation myths Life in the Seventeenth Century Istanbul Population Vakfs and urban centers Life and Death



4 Three horses on columns from an illustrated manuscript of a book called “Wonders of Art and Nature”




8 Canaletto (1697-1768) Capriccio: The Horses of San Marco in the Piazzetta


10 The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, built between 1806 and 1808 to commemorate Napoleon’s military victories of the previous year.


12 Sculpture of Justinianus, Hippodrome and Hagia Sophia from Tercüme-i Miftâh-ı Cifrü’l Câmi. (Translation of the Cifr Book of Cami), 15th century



15 Prophet Süleyman at his throne with the queen, from the Falname, (Book of Fortune) early seventeenth century



18 Prophet Süleyman at this throne, from Bursalı Firdevsi,
Süleymanname, late fifteenth-early sıxteenthe century

19 Population of Istanbul?
according to Barkan About people ( households) 46, 635 Muslim households 25, 292 Christian households 8, 070 Jewish households 58.7% Muslim, 41.7% Christian and Jewish

20 Population of Istanbul Earliest Report from 1477


22 If you wish to stand in high honor on the sultan’s threshold
You must be a Jew or a Persian or a Frank You must choose the name Habil, Kabil, Hamidi And behave like Zorzo: show no knowledge By a certain Çatladı, a courtier of Mehmed II Complexes built by the ruling elite Rum Mehmed Paşa complex (left) Mahmud Paşa Complex (right)

23 Süleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul. What is included in this complex?

24 Review: plan of Süleyman’s complex (külliye)
Mosque and mausoleums of Süleyman and Hürreö 4 general medreses 2 specialized medreses- one for the study of medicine, the other for the study of hadis a Koran school for the children a hospital a hospice (tabhane) a public kitchen (imarethane) a hammam rows of small shops

25 Vakf (waqf) : pious endowment
Vakfiye : the deed of endowment, drawn up before a kadi, entered in his registers and confirmed by the sultan. Continued existence, because profits from a source, does not impair the capital Legal fiction, only God has propriety rights, even if government and states change in theory the continuation guaranteed. İmaret (complex): supported by a vakf may consist of mosque, fountain, tomb, schools (primary, hadith, medicine, law), hospital, sufi lodge, soup kitchen, carvanserai, hamam, shops

26 LONDON Population estimates
In 1563, 1593-5, 1632, 1700, end of 18th cent, 860, 000 ISTANBUL population estimates In , In 1600s, to

27 A panorama of London by Claes Van Visscher, 1616. Old St
A panorama of London by Claes Van Visscher, Old St. Paul’s had lost its spire by this time. The two theatres on the foreground (Southwark) side of the Thames are the Bear Garden and The Globe. The large church in the foreground is St Mary Overie

28 Great Fire of Istanbul in 1660
begins in Ayazma kapı (near Unkapanı) spreads to Bayezıd ve Fatih, Kapalıçarşı, Mahmud Paşa, Tahtakale, Kumkapı dead houses 300 palaces 100 hans and kervansarays estimated figures! Other major fires in the seventeenth century: 1633, 1645, 1652, 1653, 1656, 1665, 1678, 1680, 1681, 1685, 1687, 1690, 1691, 1691, 1693, 1695, 1698, 1701

29 Natural disasters and history Japan today (left) and Turkey 1999 (right)

30 “No bells tolled and nobody wept no matter what his loss because almost everyone expected death”
“Father abounded child, wife husband, one brother another… for this plague seemed to strike through the breath and sight. And so they die. And no one could be found to bury the dead for money or friendship… And I, Angola di Tura, called the Fat, buried my five children with my own hands, and so did many others likewise.”

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