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CUPS History Why change ? CUPS options Current DICE setup What next ?

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Presentation on theme: "CUPS History Why change ? CUPS options Current DICE setup What next ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CUPS History Why change ? CUPS options Current DICE setup What next ?

2 CUPS - history Idea came about in the early 90’s.
Originally designed around the LPD network protocol with added remote administration. Based on IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) Allows you to print locally and remotely to any network printer in the world. Supports authentication/encryption making it more robust and secure than the LPD protocol.

3 CUPS – why change? LPRng no longer part of Fedora Core.
Printing won’t work by default for some applications (e.g. OpenOffice) CUPS easily configurable – web interface if you really want it.

4 Possible CUPS options Configure a single server and on each client, create a client.conf file with ServerName directive defined. On each subnet, configure a server and define the BrowseAddress directive. All clients on that subnet should then see the available printers within 30 seconds.

5 Possible CUPS options cont’d
Configure multiple servers that broadcast printer information using the BrowseAddress directive. On each subnet, configure one* of the clients to relay printer information to all other clients on that subnet using the BrowsePoll directive.

6 CUPS – DICE setup 2 servers that know about all printers and broadcast the list to nominated machines on each subnet. These machines run cups-polld and relay printer information to all other clients on their subnet.

7 CUPS – DICE setup cont’d
Server A Server B Poll .58 Poll .59 Poll .155 Poll .165 Poll 46 CLIENTS ON .58 CLIENTS ON .155 CLIENTS ON .165 CLIENTS ON .46 CLIENTS ON .59

8 CUPS – what next? Cups component needs a few additions so that it can run on all machines and manage configuration. Want to build a bit more redundancy. Explore the use of classes. Ultimately replace LPRng completely.

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