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A Silicon Detector for the ILC for the ILC – What is needed…

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1 A Silicon Detector for the ILC for the ILC – What is needed…
SiD A Silicon Detector for the ILC for the ILC – What is needed… Martin Breidenbach Martin Breidenbach

2 SiD Optimization September 2016
Outline Why a high performance detector for ILC? What is SiD? What is the maturity of the design? What is needed in the US & Japan? …..With a perspective on where we started SiD Optimization September 2016

3 The Physics Opportunities
The ILC machine offers unique advantages Clean environment Well defined initial states Possibility to do threshold scans High e+ and e- Beam Polarization Small radius beampipe for efficient flavor tagging No Triggering! See everything High energy 500 GeV cm baseline, 1 TeV upgrade This allows Precise studies of the Higgs & Top – study all Higgs decays by tagging recoil Z High precision, model independent measurements of all B.R.’s Access to all Higgs decays – coupling to DM?? Access to states hidden in LHC backgrounds: DM, LSP LCC Physics Working Group pdf SiD Optimization September 2016

4 SiD Optimization September 2016
Different challenges Calorimeter granularity Need factor ~200 better than LHC Pixel size Need factor ~20 smaller than LHC Material budget, central tracking Need factor ~10 less than LHC Material budget, forward tracking Need factor ~ >100 less than LHC Clarify which systems, possibly remove Requirements for Timing, Data rate and Radiation hardness are very modest compared to LHC SiD Optimization September 2016

5 SiD Optimization September 2016
SiD is a compact, cost constrained detector designed to make precision measurements and be sensitive to a wide range of new phenomena. SiD Optimization September 2016

6 SiD Optimization September 2016
SiD Cost Scale The SiD construction cost estimate from the DBD is: Base M&S M$ Contingency M&S 127 M$ Engineering Man-Years Technical Man-Years It is a relatively modest cost. In 2004, a cost constraint was estimated at 10% of the LC budget for two detectors – or about 350 M$. SiD Optimization September 2016

7 Architecture arguments
Silicon is expensive, so limit area by limiting radius Get back BR2 by pushing B (~5T) This argument is very dependent on the cost of Si, which is largely unknown for these quantities….) Maintain tracking resolution by using silicon strips Buy safety margin for VXD with the 5T B-field. Keep (?) track finding by using 5 VXD space points to determine track – tracker measures sagitta. 1 March 2004 SLAC Faculty Retreat M. Breidenbach

8 Vertexing= VXD Design drivers: Smallest radius possible
5 barrel layers 4 end disks Z= 6.25cm 5T SiD00 R [cm] Design drivers: Smallest radius possible Clear pair background Seed tracks & vertexing Improve forward region Role: SLUO M. Breidenbach Z [cm]

9 Vertexing Thickness and mechanical design of endplate & support
Concept of VXD support (started at Snowmass) Issues considering: Thickness and mechanical design of endplate & support Sensor technology ( several being pursued; common among all concepts; more in summary) Increase # layers by 1 in barrel & endcap SLUO M. Breidenbach

10 SiD Optimization September 2016
Vertex Detector Many potential technology choices No baseline selected yet Technology not there yet Requirements <5 µm hit resolution ~ 0.1 % X0 per layer Gas cooled, total power ~20 W. Single bunch timing resolution Insertion of Vertex Detector straightforward Change and late technology choice possible Barrel and Disk Configuration: Uniform angular coverage and response SiD Optimization September 2016

11 Tracking I - 2004 Closed CF/Rohacell cylinders
SID00 Closed CF/Rohacell cylinders Nested support via annular rings Power/readout motherboard mounted on support rings Cylinders tiled with 10x10cm sensors with readout chip Single sided (f) in barrel R, f in disks Modules mainly silicon with minimal support (0.8% X0) Overlap in phi and z SLUO M. Breidenbach

12 Tracking II - 2004 Obtained momentum resolution 0.5%
SDAUG05: 5T, R=125cm SD PETITE: 5T, R=100cm LOW FIELD: 4T, R=125cm At 90o 0.5% Excellent momentum resolution SLUO M. Breidenbach

13 Tracking Performance - 2014
SiD tracking is integrated Vertex and Tracker 10 Hits/track coverage for almost entire polar angle Tracking system Achieves desired ΔpT/pT resolution of 1.46 ·10-5 pt >99 % efficiency over most of the phase space Impact parameter resolution of ~ 2 µm demonstrated

14 SiD Optimization September 2016
Silicon Strip Tracker All silicon tracker silicon micro-strip sensors 10 x 10 cm 5 barrel layers and 4 disks Gas Cooled ~400 w total Material budget less than 20 % X0 in the active area LHC demonstrated Si works very well. Sims show robust tracking performance with backgrounds..Now preferred for high background environment e.g. CLIC. SiD Optimization September 2016

15 Calorimetry- Optimized for Particle Flow
SiD ECAL “Imaging” calorimeter utilizing 30 layers of Si with 5 mm pixels. SiD HCAL Steel Absorber 40 layers 4.5 Λi Baseline readout 3x3 cm scintillator w SiPM’s Particle flow significantly improves jets resolution by reducing contribution of hadron calorimeter resolution. Pandora simulation: ΔE/E ~3-4%

16 EMCAL - 2004 r-> p+po Si/W pixel size: prototypes are 16 mm2
readout chip: designed for 12 mm2 How small can we go?? 2-4 mm2 ? Need a physics argument for smaller pixels. r-> p+po SLUO M. Breidenbach

17 SiD Optimization September 2016
Compact Electromagnetic Calorimeter w 13 mm Moliere Radius D 2.5 m L 4.36 m 29 X0; 1 λ ΔE/E = 17%/E Note: SiD Ecal is octagonal, not a dodecahedron as depicted in drawing t 142 mm SiD Optimization September 2016

18 The SiW ECAL One ECAL Si sensor
1024 hexagonal pixel Readout by 1 KPiX KPiX and cable bump- bonded to the sensor Analog Readout Deposited charge Aim: minimize gap size Tungsten plates used as heatsink

19 Hadron Calorimetry - 2004 Considering several options for HCal:
SS or Tungsten with any one of 3 readout technologies Scintillator GEMs RPCs Technology Proven (SiPM?) Relatively new Relatively old Electronic readout Analog (multi-bit) or Semi-digital (few-bit) Digital (single-bit) Thickness (total) ~ 8mm ~8 mm ~ 8 mm Segmentation 3 x 3 cm2 1 x 1 cm2 Pad multiplicity for MIPs Small cross talk Measured at 1.27 Measured at 1.6 Sensitivity to neutrons (low energy) Yes Negligible Recharging time Fast Fast? Slow (20 ms/cm2) Reliability Proven Sensitive Proven (glass) Calibration Challenge Depends on efficiency Not a concern (high efficiency) Assembly Labor intensive Relatively straight forward Simple Cost Not cheap (SiPM?) Expensive foils Cheap SLUO M. Breidenbach

20 HCAL Baseline in 2014 Digital HCAL Using Glass RPCs
Counting shower particles Nparticles ~ Energy Using Glass RPCs 1 x 1 cm2 1 m3 prototype built channels Largest Calorimeter by channel so far muon 8 GeV positron 8 GeV pion 120 GeV proton

21 Hadron calorimeter with SiPMs - CALICE
With the advent of SiPMs, scintillator becomes an option for imaging calorimeter Without compromising energy resolution Proof-of-principle with 7600 channel test beam prototype Simulations validated And it is a good calorimeter, too: 45%/√E (+) 1.8% Engineering challenge: electronics integration ~ 5 M channels: not as demanding as ECAL, but still unprecedented SiD Optimization September 2016

22 Muons - 2014 Major change in baseline option New baseline option
Barrel Major change in baseline option Readout technology New baseline option Scintillator bars SiPM readout First engineering desing of the muon layers RPC remains an option Still actively being pursued Endcap

23 Solenoid - 2004 Same conductor as CMS CMS (4 layer) SiD (6 layer)
Inner radius: ~ 2.5m to ~3.32m, L=5.4m; Stored energy ~ 1.2 GJ Did feasibility study and convinced ourselves & others that this 5T solenoid can be built, based on CMS design & conductor. SiD coil Same conductor as CMS CMS (4 layer) SiD (6 layer) CMS 5 modules 2.5 m long SiD 2 modules 2.6 m long Stresses and forces comparable to CMS. SLUO M. Breidenbach

24 Solenoid next steps -2004 Wrap saddle coils on support cylinder
Provides field maps for SiD and for MDI questions Design of Detector-Integrated-Dipole (DID) for beam X-angle 9 20mrad) 0.15 m 0.02 m Inner radius of dipole coils is 1 cm greater than support cylinder radius NI per dipole coil = A-t Wrap saddle coils on support cylinder Provides required field Forces are manageable Developing parametric cost model based on CMS cost; solenoid is cost driver SLUO M. Breidenbach

25 Magnet - 2014 The 5 T coil builds on the CMS experience
Especially on the CMS Conductor Engineering challenges are well understood Advances in computing ease the design Summary: Feasibility of SiD design demonstrated

26 SiD Optimization September 2016
SiD iron structure designed for surface assembly and lowering by 5000 ton gantry. SiD Optimization September 2016

27 Forward Systems SiD has two detectors in its forward region
LumiCal and BeamCal SiD R&D is part of the worldwide FCAL effort. Close interactions with MDI group A dedicated chip for BeamCal (Bean) has been developed

28 Push-Pull Concept Push-Pull using concrete platform
SiD is optimistic to do Push-pull in a few days Minimum estimate is 32 hours

29 SiD Optimization September 2016
Design Maturity SiD has a good conceptual design as documented in the LOI and DBD. SiD does not have a Technical Design Report at the same level of the ILC machine. SiD had a robust R&D program that has largely wound down because of lack of support. SLAC Linear Collider Detector Spending SiD Optimization September 2016

30 SiD Optimization September 2016
SiD conceptual schedule is tied to ILC key dates. Allows 2.5 years for TDR Process SiD Optimization September 2016

31 SiD Optimization September 2016
TDR A TDR which allows construction to proceed and reasonably minimizes risk includes design choices and optimization, critical prototypes, and detailed plans. Critical prototypes include demonstration of sensors and associated electronics, plus construction of a pre-production module (or serious fraction) to demonstrate the mechanical and cooling properties. Two years for this scope is insufficient, and is behind ILD. SiD Optimization September 2016

32 SiD Optimization September 2016
SiD Consortium SiD had 36 U.S. institutions that signed the LOI (out of 77 total). The U.S. activity is now only SLAC, FNAL, ANL, PNNL and UTA, UCSC, UCD, and UofO. The national lab activity is almost gone. We thought P5 had provided both the encouragement and basis for some level of support, but DOE has almost stopped ILC detector R&D. Signals of encouragement from Japan would be extremely helpful. SiD Optimization September 2016

33 DOE Program Review M. Breidenbach
Timing Analysis! June 2004 2015 Begin Operation ??? 6 years construction 3 years serious R&D 2 years – collaboration formation and conceptual design [~now??] The 3 June 2004 DOE Program Review M. Breidenbach

34 SiD Optimization September 2016
What is needed? Most important is a signal, understandable by the U.S. government, that Japan wants the ILC. In the U.S., support based on the P5 recommendations and short range R&D proposals have failed. The U.S. physics community should consider a strategic unified proposal that addresses the required development of a U.S. community and technical base to be realistically ready for the ILC. SiD Optimization September 2016

35 SiD Optimization September 2016
Backup SiD Optimization September 2016

36 SiD Optimization September 2016
Tracker Module 25/50 µm strip pitch Double metal layers Two KPiX per sensor, bump bonded to sensor Cable bump bonded to sensor, short traces on sensor to KPiX Hybrid-less design SiD Optimization September 2016

37 KPiX – a readout system on a chip
A 1024 channel system to be bump bonded directly to large Si Sensors – enabling the Si Tracker and EMCal. Optimized for the ILC, with multi-hit recording during the train, and digitization and readout during the inter-train gap (199 ms). Front-end power down during inter-train gap. Mean power/channel <20 μW. Large dynamic range (for calorimetry) by dynamically switching the charge amp feedback cap. Pixel level trigger; trigger bunch number recorded. 0.15 fC noise floor Options for RPC readout Enabling… SiD Optimization September 2016

38 SiD Optimization September 2016
Muon System SiD Baseline – long scintillator strips with WLS and SiPM readout SiD Optimization September 2016

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