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7b Working as One on resource mobilization

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1 7b Working as One on resource mobilization
Juan Hunt, Valerie Schmitt

2 ILO’s Flagship programme is aligned with international agendas
Promotion of effective development cooperation Ownership - Priorities by development countries (opportunity documents) Focus on results – Results and impact measurement tool Partnerships for development – UN intiative, … Transparency and shared responsibility – Sharepoint and IATI

3 ILO’s Flagship programme is aligned with international agendas
Financing for development AAAA contains more than 100 concrete measures addressing all sources of funding Domestic resource mobilization is central for financing development – Colombia Private sector is recognized as a development actor - Global Business Network for SPFs, KBF Multistakeholders and diversified sources of funds including countries and enterprises from the UE and we hope in the future the European Commission It covers cooperation on a range of issues including technology, science, innovation, trade and capacity building – MOU with EN3S and Paris Sciences Economiques, as well as Geely university on the business case for social protection

4 ILO’s Flagship programme is aligned with international agendas
Sustainability of development Contributes to 5 SDG targets: 1.3, 3.8, 5.4, 8.5, 10.4 Has a human focus to change the lives of people – Indicator 1.3.1: Proportion of population covered by social protection floors/systems… The ILO’s social security inquiry is the tool that can be used to monitor SDG 1.3 Does systemic work leading to institutional changes and capacity building contributing to good governance Addresses systemic challenges such as poverty, inequality and informal economy It is a peace building instrument - Colombia and OPT It promotes a rights based approach – right to health, right to income security

5 The Flagship programme’s budget is 61 million USD for 5 years (2016-2020)
We have mobilized 21.7 million USD (or 36 per cent) The resource gap is of 39 million USD Most of this budget is spent on country support

6 Over 10 development partners already support the Flagship programme
In Africa: RBSA to start operations (Cameroon, DRC, Malawi, Niger), Portugal (CV, Moz), Irish Aid (Malawi, Moz, Zambia) Opportunities: EC (transition HA to Devlt) AfD (GCF) More UNJPs AfDB (ABNDs, fragile, data, capacity building) Lux? China? Private sector (GBN, PPPs ex Sonatel) Cabo Verde Malawi Mozambique Zambia Pakistan Timor Leste Luxemburg China France GBN: support to national initiatives, research, knowledge development Qatar Italy SP & climate, global business network, informal economy Irish Aid SP & climate change South-South exchanges OPT Myanmar Health Care Facility Japan Cambodia Colombia: domestic funding on rural workers Indonesia Korea King Baudouin Foundation: crowdfunding Portugal UN joint programmes at UNCT level UNMDTF under preparation

7 Take away messages Local versus global
Diversification [partnerships with UN, private sector] Branding [climate, peace, nexus] Communication tools [strategy & opportunity documents] Involve our constituents [Colombia, OPT] How can PARDEV & SOCPRO help you?

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