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KS3 Information Evening

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1 KS3 Information Evening
Options: Up to now Pittville School has run its options process in Year 9. From this year we will be running options in Year 8. This was agreed following consultations with parents, teachers and governors. September 2016

2 Year 8 Options Information Evening
This year for the first time, Year 8 will take their options. After Christmas they will be choosing their GCSE courses that they will study during years 9,10 and 11 September 2016

3 Year 8 Options Information Evening
The Process: Later on this term, Year 8 pupils will receive an Options Booklet. This will give details about all the courses available and about how to choose the right ones. September 2016

4 Year 8 Options Information Evening
The Process: In the last week of term Year 8 students will have an assembly going through the options process. They will then have the Christmas holidays to start talking to parents about what they would like to do. September 2016

5 Year 8 Options Information Evening
The Process: After Christmas, in one of the PSCHE sessions, students will have a chance to find out more about the courses – particularly those which are new, or very different at GCSE. September 2016

6 Year 8 Options Information Evening
The Process: On 25th January we hold our full Year 8 Options Evening. This where you and your child get to meet all the staff from all the subject areas and discuss final decisions with them or a member of the Senior team. September 2016

7 Year 8 Options Information Evening
The Process: On 27th January students need to return their options forms. We then check the forms and the options groups to put together final groups and ensure pupils have made appropriate choices. September 2016

8 Year 8 Options Information Evening
The Process: By the end of the Easter term we have usually completed this process and write to parents to inform them of their child’s options. September 2016

9 Year 8 Options Information Evening
The Process: Occasionally we do have pupils request a change in subject and we accommodate where possible HOWEVER at this point we will be putting the timetable and staffing together for September 2017 so changes can only be made if there are spaces in classes and not beyond the end of September. September 2016

10 Year 8 Options Information Evening
The Subjects: All pupils have to take English, English literature, maths, combined science, RE and core PE. As most of our students take RE GCSE, this means most students leave with 6 academic GCSEs. September 2016

11 Year 8 Options Information Evening
EBACC: Schools are under increasing pressure to have more pupils doing the EBACC. This is a selection of subjects: English, English Literature, maths, combined science, EITHER history OR geography AND a language. September 2016

12 Year 8 Options Information Evening
EBACC: Note – pupils do not get a certificate for this and whilst it is a useful guide for academic pupils and provides a broad spectrum of subjects, no sixth form in Cheltenham asks for it and no guidance has been received from universities requesting it. September 2016

13 Year 8 Options Information Evening
EBACC: Whilst we are always keen to expect the most from our students, we also recognise that the EBACC isn’t for everyone and therefore will ask our pupils to pick ONE academic subject from history, geography, triple science, language or computer science. September 2016

14 Year 8 Options Information Evening
SEND: At the same time, on a cohort by cohort basis, we will review the curriculum for our statemented pupils and make adjustments as required. We will ask that ALL pupils complete their options choices and we contact parents if we think it is necessary to adjust. September 2016

15 KS3 Information Evening
KS4 Courses: GCSE courses have now changed and are graded from 9-1. These are the courses that the current Year 8 and 9 will be taking next academic year. These courses are expected to be more rigorous and teaching at KS3 is already changing to reflect this. September 2016

16 KS3 Information Evening
What to do now: Between now and January, start discussing with your child what they are interested in taking. Look at the Options Booklet when it comes home. Look at your child’s report at Christmas. What are they doing well in? September 2016

17 KS3 Information Evening
What to do now: College prospectuses will go out to Year 8 and Year 9 tutors so they can talk to students about possible courses and what they might need. September 2016

18 KS3 Information Evening
Useful websites: Also good for looking at job profiles and finding out what you need to do to get into a certain career. September 2016

19 KS3 Information Evening
Useful websites: As well as information about university courses, there is information about post-16 courses and careers in general. September 2016

20 KS3 Information Evening
Useful websites: This is a local careers website for Gloucestershire and it is updated regularly. September 2016

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