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Feraco SFHP/Myth/Sci-Fi 6 May 2009

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1 Feraco SFHP/Myth/Sci-Fi 6 May 2009
1984: WAR!!! (DAY THREE) Feraco SFHP/Myth/Sci-Fi 6 May 2009

2 1. Which character(s) are responsible for Winston’s capture?

3 2. Who wrote “The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism”?

4 3. Which group engages in the strongest doublethink, and why?

5 4. Why has Ampleforth been jailed?

6 5. What happens to the glass paperweight in Chapter Ten, and why is this significant?

7 6. What are the last four words of the novel?

8 7. How does the Skull-Faced Man react when he is about to be taken to Room 101?

9 8. Why does O’Brien take Winston into Room 101?

10 9. What does O’Brien show Winston – visually – that helps break his spirit?

11 10. What happens during Winston’s final meeting with Julia? What does she say about what happens to people when they’re threatened with their worst fears?

12 11. What does “Goldstein” say each ministry is concerned with? (“The ministry of Plenty is concerned with ___________________, the Ministry of Love is concerned with ______________, etc.”)

13 12. Where was the telescreen in Charrington’s shop?

14 13. Who is Oceania fighting at the end of the book?

15 14. Where is the last place we see Winston?

16 15. How many fingers is O’Brien holding up?

17 16. Who turns Parsons in, and how does that person do it? How does Parsons feel about it?

18 17. What are the “three stages” of Winston’s “re-integration” in Chapter III?

19 18. How does Julia react when Winston reads from “The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism”?

20 19. What message does Winston trace in dust at the end of the novel?

21 Bonus Question! Explain the significance of the following:
“Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me: There lie they, and here lie we, Under the spreading chestnut tree.”

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