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COMP541 Sequential Logic – 2: Finite State Machines

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1 COMP541 Sequential Logic – 2: Finite State Machines
Montek Singh Sep 28, 2016

2 Buttons and Debouncing
Lab 6 Preview Buttons and Debouncing

3 Lab Preview: Buttons and Debouncing
Mechanical switches “bounce” vibrations cause them to go to 1 and 0 a number of times called “chatter” hundreds of times! We want to do 2 things: “Debounce”: Any ideas? Synchronize with clock i.e., only need to look at it at the next +ve edge of clock Think about (for Lab): What does it mean to “press the button”? Think carefully!! What if button is held down for a long time?

4 Today’s Topics State Machines
How to design machines that go through a sequence of events “sequential machines” Basically: Close the feedback loop in this picture:

5 What is sequential logic?
Anything that is not combinational has a cycle of gates output cannot be determined solely by the current inputs i.e., has state But: Not all sequential circuits are useful e.g., 3-inverter loop is sequential because of feedback but not controllable by a clock Synchronous sequential logic: a useful form follows a specific template

6 Synchronous Sequential Logic
Flip-flops/registers contain the system’s state state changes only at clock edge so system is synchronized to the clock all flip-flops receive the same clock signal (important!) every cyclic path must contain a flip-flop

7 Synchronous Sequential Logic
Flip-flops/registers contain the system’s state state changes only at clock edge so system is synchronized to the clock all flip-flops receive the same clock signal (important!) every cyclic path must contain a flip-flop

8 Examples Some of these are synchronous sequential circuits, but some are not! Which ones?

9 Two common types Two common types of synchronous sequential circuits:
Finite State Machines (FSMs) Pipelines

10 Finite State Machine (FSM)
Consists of: State register that holds the current state updates it to the “next state” at clock edge Combinational logic (CL) that computes the next state using current state and inputs computes the outputs using current state (and maybe inputs)

11 More and Mealy FSMs Two types of finite state machines differ in the output logic: Moore FSM: outputs depend only on the current state Mealy FSM: outputs depend on the current state and the inputs can convert from one form to the other Mealy is more general, more expressive In Both: Next state is determined by current state and inputs

12 Moore and Mealy FSMs

13 FSM Example 1

14 Traffic Light Controller
Traffic sensors: TA, TB (TRUE when there’s traffic) Lights: LA, LB

15 FSM Black Box Inputs: CLK, Reset, TA, TB Outputs: LA, LB

16 FSM Specification When reset, LA is green and LB is red
As long as traffic on Academic (TA high), keep LA green When TA goes low, sequence to traffic on Bravado Follow same algorithm for Bravado Let’s say clock period is 5 sec (time for yellow light)

17 States What sequence do the traffic lights follow?
Reset  State 0, LA is green and LB is red Next (on board)?

18 State Transition Diagram
Moore FSM: outputs labeled in each state states: circles transitions: arcs

19 State Transition Table
state graph encoded into a tabular format

20 “Encoded” State Transition Table
Symbolic states assigned bit codes codes can be arbitrarily chosen some are better than others (“optimal state coding”)

21 After Input and Output Encoding
Inputs and outputs assigned bit codes again, codes can be arbitrarily chosen again, some are better than others

22 FSM Schematic: State Register

23 Next State Logic The truth table can be implemented and simplified using K-Maps:

24 Output Logic

25 FSM Timing Diagram: Study carefully!

26 Design Procedure Step-by-step procedure: Or, write Verilog and compile
given FSM description: codify it into a state diagram or table assign codes to the states, inputs and outputs derive Boolean equations and implement Or, write Verilog and compile the compiler follows the above steps uses algorithms for optimal coding of states/inputs/outputs uses algorithms for optimal Boolean implementation

27 FSM Example 2

28 A Sequence Recognizer Circuit has input, X, and output, Z
Recognizes sequence 1101 on X Specifically: if X has been 110 and next bit is 1, make Z high

29 How to Design States States remember past history
Clearly must remember we have seen 110 when next 1 comes along Tell me one necessary state for this example…?

30 Beginning State Start state: let’s call it A
if 1 appears on input, move to next state B output remains at 0 Input / Output

31 Second 1 New state, C To reach C, must have seen 11

32 Next a 0 If 110 has been received, go to D
Next 1 will generate a 1 on output Z

33 What else? What happens to arrow on right?
Must go to some state. Where?

34 What Sequence? Here we have to interpret the problem statement
We have just seen 01 Is this beginning of new 1101? Or do we need to start over w/ another 1? Let us say that it is the beginning of a new run…

35 Cover every possibility
Must cover every possibility out of every state For every state: X = 0 or 1 You fill in all the cases

36 Fill in

37 Full Answer

38 State Minimization Do we need all those states?
Some may be redundant How to use as few states as possible? State minimization is a well-studied problem Is a tough problem (NP-complete) but pretty good algorithms exist exact and approximate Out of the scope of this course

39 FSM implementation Do yourself: State transition table State encoding
Truth tables Boolean equations and gate-level implementation

40 Reading Read entire 3.3 and 3.4

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