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SIRA Special Education School

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Presentation on theme: "SIRA Special Education School"— Presentation transcript:

1 SIRA Special Education School

2 SIRA = Swedish International Relief Association.
Background : SIRA = Swedish International Relief Association. The association started 1968 – it's aim was to provide treatment and care for the epileptic children.

3 The Special Education School Started 1992

4 The vision of SIRA School

5 SIRA Today 70 students divided in 7 classes. Ages between boys 50 girls 20 Muslims 43 Christians 27 students living in camps 7

6 SIRA Staff 15 teachers. Social worker. Palestinian principal Secretary
Caretaker Gardener / Cleaner Swedish manager Swedish Board Local Advisory Board

7 In 1994 the second SIRA school was established
in Jericho.

8 SIRA Jericho Today: 41 students divided in 4 classes. Ages between teachers. Palestinian principal Swedish manager Swedish Board Local Advisory Board


10 Target groups: 1. Students with Learning difficulties (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia). 2. Environmental Learning problems. 3. Students with short memory. 4. Slow learners.

11 General Goals: 1. To help the students to go over their learning difficulties, then to integrate them back in regular schools. 2. To educate the parents. 3. To spread the special education idea in the society.

12 Admission: Students are from Bethlehem region, with different background in religions, culture, traditions and social class. They are from camps, villages and cities. Students are accepted at the school after passing a special evaluation test. Students are Accepted according to their year of birth. Students are transferred to SIRA through parents’ or previous schools.

13 Teaching Methods: Every teacher is responsible to teach all subjects for one level in her class except English, Art, Music and Gymnastic


15 English Lesson

16 Art Lesson


18 Music Lesson


20 Methods and means are designed to be used inside classes to develop the students’ logic.


22 School Library

23 Social Worker at SIRA Counseling the students Educating parents
Following students at classes. Home visits Follow up visits School contacts

24 Therapy activities at SIRA

25 Music Therapy

26 Play therapy

27 Imagination Therapy

28 Story Therapy

29 Various activities are held at SIRA every year

30 Lucia Celebration

31 Kitchen Activities

32 Olive picking


34 Valentine day

35 Christmas Party

36 Graduation Party

37 SIRA Co-operation With The Community:
1. Private and Government Schools. 2. Bethlehem University. 3. Local and foreign Organizations.

38 AVSI organization

39 Caritas – Jerusalem organization

40 Trainees from Bethlehem University

41 SIRA graduates are integrated into private and government schools

42 Success stories at SIRA

43 God loves a cheerful giver Corinthos 2 9:7

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