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Dynamics & Controls PDR 1

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1 Dynamics & Controls PDR 1
Team 2: Balsa to the Wall Ashley Brawner Neelam Datta Xing Huang Jesse Jones Matt Negilski Mike Palumbo Chris Selby Tara Trafton

2 Overview Previously fixed parameters Class 1 tail sizing
Center of gravity location Location of aerodynamic center (aircraft and tail) Static margin Static stability/control surface sizing Revisit tail sizing: Class 2 method Dihedral angle

3 Previously fixed parameters
Value Payload Weight 1 [lb] Payload Volume 30 [in3] Horizontal Tail Span 1.5 [ft] Wing Span 4.95 [ft] Aspect Ratio 5 Wing Root Chord 1.352 [ft]

4 Tail Sizing – Tail Volume Method
Raymer Method Historical coefficients used. Horizontal Tail cHT = 0.475 SH = ft2 Vertical Tail cVT = 0.04 SV = 0.4 ft2

5 Center of Gravity Fuselage and Wing CG position from CATIA
Weight estimated by structures team

6 Center of Gravity Tail and Boom Internal Components
Tail size from volume method Boom size and position from trade study Internal Components Historical data Specification sheets Total Mass: pounds CG Position: feet ahead of AC Component Mass [lb] Position [ft] From Nose Moment [ft-lb] Tail 0.161 4.370 0.704 Boom 1.31 2.995 3.923 Payload 1 0.200 Battery 1.25 0.167 0.209 Gyro 0.01 0.917 0.009 Servo 0.02 1.083 0.022 Motor 0.59 1.800 1.062 Speed Controller 0.1 0.583 0.058 Receiver 0.04 0.750 0.030 Receiver Battery 0.28 0.250 0.070

7 Aerodynamic Center Wing & Horizontal Tail Locations Respective values
25% of the respective chord (Roskam Table 2.2) Respective values Xacw = feet Xach = feet From NASA Glenn Website

8 Aerodynamic Center Aircraft Found to be: Calculated with:
0.41 feet from LE

9 Static Margin (SM) Static Margin SM obtained: 11.4% Range of CG
With Payload 0.071 feet ahead of AC Without Payload 0.134 feet behind AC Empty SM = 33%

10 Longitudinal Static Stability
Pitching Moment (Cmα) Cmα = rad-1 Believability Checks: Comparable to previous Purdue classes Flat Earth Verified

11 Trim Diagram CL CL α [deg] Cm0.25c CLmax Cm = 0 Xcg forward Cm = 0
Xcg design Cm = 0 Xcg aft δe 5 -5 -10 CLmax δe=0 CL δe = -10 CL δe = 5 δe = -5 α [deg] Cm0.25c

12 Control Surface Sizing
Use of historical data to elevator and rudders. Aerodynamics sized flaperons. Approximately 15% of wing chord Raymer recommends: Elevator 25-50% of tail chord Rudder 25-50% of tail chord

13 Aileron Size Wing root chord = 1.353 feet Aileron chord = 0.1825 feet
Clδa = rad-1 Flat Earth believability check: to 0.2 rad-1

14 Elevator Size Horizontal tail chord = 0.75 feet
Elevator chord = 0.3 feet 40% of H-tail chord Cmδe = rad-1 Flat Earth believability check: to -2 rad-1

15 Rudder Size Vertical tail chord = 0.75 feet Rudder chord = 0.3 feet
Cnδr = rad-1 Flat Earth believability check: to rad-1

16 Tail Sizing – Longitudinal Stability
Roskam Method: Longitudinal X-Plot Comparison of how the c.g. and the a.c. move as the horizontal tail area is increased. Horizontal tail area range based on tail volume method sizing. Fixed horizontal tail span of 1.5 feet.

17 Longitudinal X-Plot

18 Tail Sizing – Directional Stability
Roskam Method – Directional X-Plot Consideration of vertical tail area on the yawing moment coefficient with sideslip angle. Weathercock Stability (Cnβ ) Desire a Cnβ of at least deg-1

19 Directional X-Plot

20 Tail Size Horizontal Tail Vertical Tail Span: 1.5 feet
Chord: 0.75 feet AR: 3.0 Vertical Tail Vertical Span: 1 foot AR:

21 Dihedral Angle McKombs (D&C Sourcebook) Dihedral angle = 0°
Recommends with use of ailerons 0 to 2° Dihedral angle = 0° Ease of manufacturing. Dihedral effect (Clβ) Clβ = rad-1 Flat Earth believability check: to -0.3


23 Appendix – Useful Equations

24 References D&C Sourcebook Airplane Design Series by Jan Roskam
Methods for Estimating Stability and Control Derivatives of Conventional Subson Airplanes by Jan Roskam Airplane Design Series by Jan Roskam Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls by Jan Roskam Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach by Daniel P. Raymer

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