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Mosiah 7-9, Bondage!
How to tell you’re not mom’s favorite
1-King Mosiah 2-King Benjamin 3-King Mosiah II
1-King Zeniff 2-King Noah 3-King Limhi
Why are Zeniff’s people placed into bondage?
Zeniff, who was made king over this people, he being over-zealous to inherit the land of his fathers, therefore being deceived by the cunning and craftiness of king Laman, … I say unto you, great are the reasons which we have to mourn… and all because of iniquity. For if this people had not fallen into transgression the Lord would not have suffered that this great evil should come upon them. But behold, they would not hearken unto his words; but there arose contentions among them, even so much that they did shed blood among themselves. And a prophet of the Lord have they slain; yea, a chosen man of God... (Mosiah 7:21-33) 1- Over-zealous 2- Deceived 3- Transgressions 4- Contentions 5- Slay the Prophets (Fight against God)
How do we get out of “bondage”?
Being grieved for the afflictions of my people, I caused that forty and three of my people should take a journey into the wilderness that we might appeal unto our brethren to deliver us out of bondage. (Admit we can’t do it on our own!) And they were lost in the wilderness for the space of many days…And they have brought twenty-four plates which are filled with engravings… Now Ammon said unto him: I can assuredly tell thee, O king, of a man that can translate the records…a seer is greater than a prophet. And Ammon said that a seer is a revelator and a prophet also; and a gift which is greater can no man have…(Mosiah 8:1-7) A see-er can help us out of our bondage
What do we see? In the following slides, what we see depends on how we look at it. Seers see the same situations differently. They have different perspective. We have to trust them to tell us the REAL picture…
Face or LIAR?
How many horses? Should see 7!
What is a seer? Mosiah 8:6-18 "A seer is one who sees with spiritual eyes. He perceives the meaning of that which seems obscure to others. He foresees the future from the past and the present. This he does by the power of the Lord operating through him directly, or indirectly with the aid of divine instruments such as the Urim and Thummim. In short, he is one who sees, who walks in the Lord's light with open eyes" (John A. Widtsoe, Evidences and Reconciliations, arr. G. Homer Durham, 3 vols. in 1 [1960], 258).
Elder Theodor M. Burton Conference report, 1961
What is a seer? Mosiah 8:6-18 “One can trust a seer because a seer may see the heavens open. He may see the great vision of God working in all his majesty. He may see the fulness of truth as it is revealed to him by God who makes no mistakes. “The seer can bear personal testimony, not based on books, not based on scholarship, not based on tradition, but based on the evidence of things that God himself can reveal to him in an actual experience with Deity. He may receive a revelation from God by actually seeing and hearing and being instructed in the real truth.” Elder Theodor M. Burton Conference report, 1961
What is a seer? I was recently in Vavau, Tonga. It is a little island which is one and a half hours away from Nuku'alofa by plane and twenty-four hours away by boat. By boat it is the worst trip that can be made.. When the area conference was announced for Tonga, it was determined that only one boat would be available for the Saints from Vavau. The boat held 150 people. If you stuffed bodies into every possible corner of the ship, you could get close to three hundred people. Eight hundred Tongans jammed onto that boat and stood up for twenty-four hours without sleep, without food, without drink, without anything--because they knew that a prophet of God was going to be in their islands and they were not going to miss him for anything in the world. Do you care that the prophet of the Lord is speaking in the neighborhood? Do you care enough to flip on a television set, a radio, or to come to this building to watch a priesthood meeting? Eight hundred people stood up for twenty-four hours to get to conference, and they didn't think anything about it. Remembered and Nourished by the Good Word of God, September 26, 1976
Based on our last General Conference, what are our Seers seeing?
What things are threatening our freedom and leading us to bondage?
Principle #2: Patience and perspective help us avoid bondage
Wronged leads to Wroth Have you ever been angry with someone and held a grudge—felt like you could not forgive or forget what the person did? Have you ever known someone who seemed to hate you? Witness the hatred: Mosiah 10:11–18 Look for the use of the words ‘wronged’ and ‘wroth’
Wronged leads to Wroth “Many years ago, I observed a heartbreak—which became a tragedy. A young couple was nearing the delivery of their first child. Their lives were filled with the anticipation and excitement of this monumental experience. During the delivery, complications arose and the baby died. Heartbreak turned to grief, grief turned to anger, anger turned to blame, and blame turned to revenge toward the doctor, whom they held fully responsible. Parents and other family members became heavily involved, together seeking to ruin the reputation and the career of the physician. As weeks and then months of acrimony [sharp, bitter language] consumed the family, their bitterness was extended to the Lord. ‘How could He allow this horrible thing to occur?’ Elder Donald L. Hallstrom, “Turn to the Lord,” Ensign, May 2010.
Wronged leads to Wroth “They rejected the repeated efforts of Church leaders and members to spiritually and emotionally comfort them and, in time, disassociated themselves from the Church. Four generations of the family have now been affected. Where once there were faith and devotion to the Lord and His Church, there has been no spiritual activity by any family member for decades. … “My paternal grandparents had two children, a son (my father) and a daughter. … [Their daughter] married in and four years later was expecting a child. … No one knew that she was carrying twins. Sadly, she and the twins all died during childbirth. Elder Donald L. Hallstrom, “Turn to the Lord,” Ensign, May 2010.
Wronged leads to Wroth “My grandparents were heartbroken. Their grief, however, immediately turned them to the Lord and His Atonement. Without dwelling on why this could happen and who might be to blame, they focused on living a righteous life. … “The faithfulness of [these grandparents], especially when faced with difficulty, has now influenced four generations that have followed. Directly and profoundly, it affected their son (my father) and my mother when my parents’ own daughter, their youngest child, died due to complications caused by giving birth. … With the example that they had seen in the previous generation, my parents—without hesitation—turned to the Lord for solace. … Elder Donald L. Hallstrom, “Turn to the Lord,” Ensign, May 2010.
Wronged leads to Wroth “If you feel you have been wronged—by anyone (a family member, a friend, another member of the Church, a Church leader, a business associate) or by anything (the death of a loved one, health problems, a financial reversal, abuse, addictions)—deal with the matter directly and with all the strength you have. … And, without delay, turn to the Lord. Exercise all of the faith you have in Him. Let Him share your burden. Allow His grace to lighten your load. … Never let an earthly circumstance disable you spiritually” Elder Donald L. Hallstrom, “Turn to the Lord,” Ensign, May 2010.
What help do you need in your efforts to forgive?
Wronged leads to Wroth Think of a time when you had feelings of being wronged or of anger toward someone? Do you have some of those feelings currently? What help do you need in your efforts to forgive? What principles of forgiveness have you learned from you life?
Principles of Forgiveness
“Forgiveness is not always instantaneous.” “Most of us need time to work through pain and loss.” “Forgiveness comes more readily when … we have faith in God and trust in His word.” “If we will get on our knees and ask Heavenly Father for a feeling of forgiveness, He will help us.” James E. Faust, “The Healing Power of Forgiveness,” Ensign, May 2007, 67–69.
“Forgiveness … can be hard to understand, even more difficult to give
“Forgiveness … can be hard to understand, even more difficult to give. Begin by withholding judgment. … As you experience an easing of your own pain, full forgiveness will come more easily. “You cannot erase what has been done, but you can forgive. (See D&C 64:10.) Forgiveness heals terrible, tragic wounds, for it allows the love of God to purge your heart and mind of the poison of hate. It cleanses your consciousness of the desire for revenge. It makes place for the purifying, healing, restoring love of the Lord. “Bitterness and hatred are harmful. They produce much that is destructive. They postpone the relief and healing you yearn for. Through rationalization and self-pity, they can transform a victim into an abuser. Let God be the judge—you cannot do it as well as he can.” Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Healing the Tragic Scars of Abuse,” Ensign, May 1992, 32–33.
Have I done ANY good?
Mosiah 7-9, Escape from Bondage
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