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Matthew Penk, Nicholas Torney, Brandon Vaccaro, Holly Vandenbergh

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew Penk, Nicholas Torney, Brandon Vaccaro, Holly Vandenbergh"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew Penk, Nicholas Torney, Brandon Vaccaro, Holly Vandenbergh
Teens and Stress Matthew Penk, Nicholas Torney, Brandon Vaccaro, Holly Vandenbergh

2 School Relationships Family Cause/effect Overview

3 School Schoolwork Social issues Appearance Extracurricular activities
*Top source of stress*

4 Schoolwork Tests, quizzes, homework SAT prep College prep
More than a quarter (27%) say they experience "extreme stress" during the school year, vs. 13% in the summer. And 34% expect stress to increase in the coming year. Tests, quizzes, homework SAT prep College prep Grades/Time management Learning disabilities

5 Social Issues/Appearance
Fitting in Having friends Being judged Being bullied Depression Drug/alcohol abuse Suicide Poor self esteem

6 Extracurricular Activities
59% report that managing their time to balance all activities is a somewhat or very significant stressor Keeping grades up Staying in shape Responsibility for clubs/sports Scholarships

7 Romantic Relationships
Peer pressure Romantic Relationships Friends

8 Teens and Peer Pressure
Often comes from within Every teen feels it Parents usually overlook it Good parenting can help it Talking to teens is key

9 Romantic Relationships
Every teen wants one Can be a good thing but also a bad thing Teens are not fully developed Broken hearts are common Good parenting is key

10 Friends One of the most stressful parts of being a teen
Life long friends New friends Fellow Peers Again good parenting is key

11 Teens are more stressed than Adults

12 Family vs. Teen Stress

13 Family Parents Brothers Sisters Pets

14 Parents Pros: Cons: Positive role model Communication Divorce
Encouragement Divorce Arguments Wanting more Living through them

15 Brothers/Sisters Communication Encouragement Competitiveness

16 Pets Comfort Joy Reduces anxiety Reduces Stress levels

17 Effects of Stress Stress can be positive. Provides stimulation.
Positive response prepares the body for action and activates the higher thinking centers of the brain. Stress is negative when a person feels threatened and not in control of the situation.

18 Effects (cont.) Affects decision making, more accident prone.
Can also be harmful to physical and mental health of teen. Can result in high blood pressure, headaches, reduced eyesight, stomachaches and other digestive problems. High levels of the major stress hormone, cortisol, depress the immune system.

19 Work Cited teens-feel-stress-about-high-school Teenagers-With-Stress-066.aspx g/stress.html

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