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Finance Program – Phase 2

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1 Finance Program – Phase 2
Automated Workflow Working Group Meeting May 8, 2017

2 Agenda Welcome Report from members on their department consultations
20 min Update from project team to members Approvals – the Big Picture Approvals – Roles New business/questions discussion with members Pilot criteria Implementation Approach Questions and Discussion 40 min Meeting Recap 5 mins Project highlights= 4.5 min each slide

3 Member Consultation Updates
Category Questions Roles Which departments/faculties will want to use Reviewer role? Susanne approvals For transactions that require multiple approvers should we notify people that may have received the notification that it has been approved by someone else? Will it be confusing it just disappears from their worklist be confusing? Attachments Would approvers want to see the attachments (i.e. receipts)? Where (in the or in FINS)? All

4 Project Topic Update by
Onbase – what we learned during the requirements sessions Harjot/Cal Provisional Delegates – response to if someone is a provisional delegate and dean, would the approval go to both or select the provisional delegate? Kari Do we have more?

5 Expenses Cash Advances
The Approval Big Picture What type of employee is the approver? Onbase HAP Are there backup documents to support the transaction? SAM Is this person authorized to review or approve this transaction for this amount? FINS Big Picture Diagram:  SAM sits inside of the HAP database as another bolt on application Basically, FINS will call to SAM for authorized approvers. Maybe if you drew it similar to how you illustrated FINS. Where SAM is a little pie under HAP.  Vouchers Journals Requisitions Expenses Cash Advances HAP – HR System SAM – Signing Authority Management System FINS – Financial System Onbase – document capture and storage system

6 Workflow Approval Roles

7 Implementation Approach
Walk Run Crawl 1st pilot 2nd pilots Full rollout Travel expense - Professional development fees Requisition pilot Travel and Expenses with more functionality All Travel and Expenses All Cash Advances All Requisitions

8 Pilot Participants Criteria
• Want to be involved in the pilot! • Think there are better ways to do things than current approaches • Be happy to try new things • Put up with immature systems • Put in extra time and energy now for the potential of worthwhile results later • Actively suggest and try new ideas to make the pilot work better Pilots become visible through the personal networks of the members. Key characteristics: Outgoing and willing to share their experience Those who frequently communicate with people in other departments Are credible and respected in the organization Fairly long-term employees, particularly who have been exposed to a number of parts of the organization Enthusiasm Roles & Functions Skills Personality Network Represent multiple roles Will require senior management participation Represent multiple locations or are frequently remote Have some experience in product development or innovation Do not currently have intense and time-critical tasks so can afford some short-term inefficiency People who: think in terms of possibilities rather than problems prefer trying new things to the status quo are critical of current business processes while having alternative ideas to propose Aptitude for learning and using new technologies Good communicators Mixed level of technology skills and willing to try, as they will identify flaws that may not be apparent to experts

9 Reminder We must constantly seek to make the impossible “possible”.
Ask ourselves these questions in this order: Which option will bring the biggest benefit to the entire University? What can we do to make this work? How will this impact my department/faculty/me?

10 Today’s discussions Topic Asked by
Reviewers - Are Department Reviewers optional or mandatory? Requisitions Travel and Expenses Cash Advances Catherine Kari Kari Reviewers - What is the process to nominate and maintain Reviewers for each portfolio? Should it be the Account Holders responsibility? Kari Reviewers - Should the review for each CF combo be completed before it moves to the budget approvals OR should the documents move to the budget approval as each CF combo gets reviewed ? Approvals - Should users be able to approve workflows using their phones or tablets? Cal Escalations – Should we create time based escalation rules for approvals that have been sitting too long?

11 Today’s Recap Did we HEAR what you meant?

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