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BBS Learning and Teaching Conference 2016 Feedback From Staff

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1 BBS Learning and Teaching Conference 2016 Feedback From Staff


3 Did you attend the Conference on 8th July ?
Answer % Count Yes 62.69% 42 No 37.31% 25 Total 100% 67

4 What was the reason you did not attend?
Answer % Count Holiday 36.36% 8 Other University committments 13.64% 3 Did not think it was relevant to me 27.27% 6 0ther 22.73% 5 Total 100% 22

5 What was the reason you did not attend?
Didn't know about it UG team processing & sending out results Illness P/T teacher, external commitments

6 Move the slider scale to illustrate the value of the activities at the conference, where 5 is high

7 Move the slider scale to illustrate the value of the activities at the conference, where 5 is high
Field Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation Variance Count Sharing your own learning and teaching practices 1.00 5.00 3.94 0.98 0.97 33 Finding out about different approaches to learning and teaching 3.00 4.43 0.59 0.35 37 Key Note - Aidan Berry 4.03 0.95 Key Note - Sid Hayes 3.92 1.05 1.10 New Learning Teaching Award 3.47 1.03 1.06 32

8 What are you going to do differently as a result of attending the conference?

9 What are you going to do differently as a result of attending the conference?
Think about ways that students might be encouraged to read the feedback that is provided for them. Bring in new tools and techniques. Connect with newly met colleagues Use Qualtric Embed ideas as planning for new modules as part of periodic review - develop my own research project Integrate some new ideas in my modules. ask a few colleagues to contribute guest sessions / inputs based on their activities Better feedback Use kahoot Think more carefully about how active learning can be incorportated into my class activities. Explore different approaches to feeding back. I am going to be even more interactive; not least, will use Kahoot

10 What are you going to do differently as a result of attending the conference?
I picked up on the idea of feed forward and plan to ask final year students in semester one what they learnt from feedback they received in previous modules. In semester two I will ask them to reflect on what they learnt from semester one feedback which they might do differently in order to get better marks. I will address feedback comments to students personally by name rather than using personal pronouns. I will review teaching in seminars and lectures Look into some of the technological options/ resources available I will be making my CV and employability workshops more interactive Involve other staff - technology, placements and SSGT Talk about feedback Nothing really relevant to my job role, but interesting to gain insight into other roles Have more courage in sharing my ideas! Try a different approach with feedback

11 What are you going to do differently as a result of attending the conference?
Consider using some of the different assessment methods in other modules - looking at Review and Validation of Law degrees next year. oral feedack and more in-class feedback using rubric differently online MCQ's Use either nearpod or

12 How could the conference be improved for next year?
More networking time It was excellent. No suggestion. N/A Engage and encourage more of the lecturers to attend Maybe someway to list all the good practice / teaching and assessment examples being used by all tutors across all modules - like a wall of ideas and practice - so much still going on that we don't know about / haven't captured More on teaching styles Better lunch Can't think of anything! If the format remained unchanged that would be no bad thing. It was excellent. More in the way of research based talks might provide an extra dimension, but I liked the fact that the talks were largely personal and anecdotal and I would not want to detract from that.

13 How could the conference be improved for next year?
Fewer streams It might be useful to have an external keynote speaker. Set ways forward and ensure they are implemented. Good format, nothing obvious to improve ! I liked the idea of the 15 minute sessions but in some cases it just didn't seem like enough time for the speakers Make everyone come Bigger student voice? Some student led sessions? RVLs and VLs invited and welcomed specifically? Likewise for research focused staff? Build the new school quickly and hold it there :-), or failing that use seminar rooms that are adjacent to the theatre and to each other (the fact that they have a really daft numbering system didn't help!). More staff should attend, it was an enjoyabe and useful day

14 How could the conference be improved for next year?
I enjoyed the flow - I liked the bite sized approach - the meduim and short sessions worked well - I did not attend a long session - were they too long? maybe some hands on computer sessions? Obligatory attendance for academics getting more staff involved in presentation of new approaches to T&L more of the same, great start Little more time between sessions, encourage more people to attend

15 SEE YOU NEXT YEAR 7th July 2017

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