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Development and Survival

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1 Development and Survival 1100 - 1187
Assess the view that …. was the main reason for the survival of…

2 Muslim rivalries Crusade of Faint Hearted Keep divided or else
Baldwin II with Syrians to fight Aleppo Keeping disunity did cause problems ie battle of Menbij = Rid + Tan v Jewali + Bal Damascus did not like northern Muslims and this helps C.S. to survive Need to keep Egypt out of Sunni hands Reynald Pools of Goliath(1183) Jihad

3 Rulers Godfrey – defeated Fatimids at E, but dies before foundations
Baldwin I – set up govt, gained Arsuf, Beirut, Acre. Diambert. Nepotism Baldwin II – supports Military Orders. Azaz Fulk – strong,wealthy, supported other crusader states. Alliance with Damascus Baldwin III – captured Ascalon, allied to Damascus Amalric – Egypt Baldwin IV – Montgisard(1177), free trade with Saladin

4 Manpower Diplomacy better than fight – ally to towns
Ramla- won but costly Azaz(1125) – showed that could come together to survive but not possible always Divisions in Jerusalem = Guy + Conrad Ascalon = safer for pilgrims Failure of 2nd Crusade = fewer pilgrims Field of Blood(1119) = disaster, R of Sic v Ilghazi

5 Western aid Venice and Italian traders = supplies, men protection from E and they helped capture Tyre Byzantine support but uneven Faint Hearted = disaster Ascalon was useful Stories of hardship were not an encouragement for others

6 Castles Prob was defence of outlying areas Fewer men needed to protect
Hospitallers worked from here Overcomes climate and terrain Krac de Chevalier controlled route btw Antioch and Beirut Could avoid pitched battles Fulk built 3 to protect v Egypt Also Kerak protected south of Jerusalem Became admin centres

7 Military Orders/Finance
Pilgrims were robbed etc K.T. and H = protection Set up financial security Helped bring money and trade, this also pleased locals Took control of castles Medical support Helped Richard on way to Jaffa Questions asked though at Damascus Supported Reynald and attack on Hattin – oh dear Teutonic Knights

8 Succession Bald I = no kids but sorted with quick choice
Bald II = only girls – Fulk Melisende regent for young Bald III Amalric married woman already married and accession in doubt but consanguinity Bald IV = leper = probs Bald V = young and died aged 8 Sibylla now takes over, crowned husband Guy as King and lots of issues follow – Conrad…

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