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Ancient Iran & Greece.

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1 Ancient Iran & Greece

2 The Persian Empire (Modern Iran)
Limited natural resources / rich in mineral resources (G,S,C,T) Cyrus the Great & Darius I = Expanded Empire Persian Style of Govt. Satraps (Royal Relation) Province paid tribute G&S Royal roads & couriers King = Lawgiver / People maintained traditions Zoroastrianism = Major Monotheistic Religion Dualistic (Good v. Evil) Influenced Judaism & Christianity

3 The Persian Empire (1000-500 BCE)
Achievements Spread knowledge of iron metallurgy Long distance trade route linked India, SW Asia, & Egypt (roads & couriers) Held together empire, despite diverse peoples b/c of tolerance Relied on local leaders Trade & war with Greece = artistic & philosophical exchange

4 Ancient Greek City-States
Polis = City State & its rural territory Athens & Sparta = Maritime Power v. Agricultural/ Military Power Trireme & Hoplite Reliance on Slave Labor Athens shifts from aristocracy & oligarchy toward democracy Overpopulation=Colonization Spread of Greek Culture Major Conflicts Persian Wars ( BCE) Peloponnesian Wars ( )

5 Culture of Classical Greece
Common Culture Olympic Games (776 BCE) Religious Beliefs / Ceremonies Slaves / Gender Inequality Greek Religion = Sky gods represented forces of nature w/human characteristics Philosophy & Thought Socrates = Oral Culture Plato = Written Culture Aristotle & Herodotus = Research / Recording

6 Alexander & the Hellenistic Age
Weakened City States = Macedonian Conquest Philip of Macedonia Alexander the Great Largest Empire in the World Alexander Built upon the conquered Persian Empire Hellenistic Age ( BCE) Upon Alexander’s death, his Empire divided (map p. 126) Blending of Greek & Persian Culture (art, science, arch.) Stability = Long Distance Trade and migration

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