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McNeese State University Dietetics Internship Program

2 Objectives Preceptors will: Learn about the MSU DI program
Learn about E*value Understand how the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics Competencies are met through planned supervised activities. Learn how to effectively coach and mentor interns by facilitating independent, self- directed learning. Differentiate effective versus ineffective preceptoring techniques Identify characteristics of an effective preceptor Demonstrate how to be an effective preceptor and mentor McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

3 MSU MS-DI Masters program provides Accredited for 10 interns per year
Masters of Science in Health and Human Performance Accredited for 10 interns per year Concentration area Nutrition and Wellness McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

4 General Internship Schedule
Interns begin classes for their masters in August and rotations are from January-December of the following year. Medical Nutrition Therapy/Clinical: Total Hours 564 Community Nutrition: Total Hours 352 Food Service Management (FSM): Total Hours 320 Staff Relief: Total Hours 64 McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

5 Medical Nutrition Therapy/Clinical Rotations
Work through the Nutrition Care Process on Assigned Patients Various Settings and Populations Long term care acute care diabetes cardiac renal nutrition support Clinical case study on selected patient utilizing NCP and evidence based recommendations McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

6 Community nutrition rotations
Various community resources and cultural diversity Food and nutrition policy Nutrition related to WIC population Project utilizing the Nutrition Care Process Interns may be involved in all the steps of a project or a portion of an ongoing project Various Settings, including WIC School Wellness Extension United Way McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

7 Food Service Management (FSM) Rotation
Main topic areas Management & leadership principles Human resources Safety, security, & sanitation Food procurement, production, & service Quality management Financial management Marketing & public relations McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

8 Accreditation Competencies
Each specific rotation has a list of competencies that each intern should complete. Competencies are broken down into Community Nutrition Food Service Management (FSM) Medical Nutrition Therapy/Clinical McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

9 E*value Evaluations Time Tracking
Before and after the student has their rotation with you they complete an evaluation which you will review. After their rotation you will be asked to complete an evaluation of the intern’s progress. An automated will come to you whenever an intern has completed tasks that require your attention Time Tracking Interns will log hours on E*value and you go to E*value and approve their hours. McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

10 E*value Portfolio In the “student portfolio” there are sections for community, management, and clinical. You select the rotation category that you supervise to view the intern’s study guides and assignments. You must verify their study guides and assignments on this page. Study Guides The interns have study guides that they have completed for each rotation. These are found in the portfolio under the specific rotation under “study guide”. You need to verify their study guide during or right after their rotation with you. Assignments If an intern completes a lesson plan, educational material evaluation, or any other assignment you have assigned they will upload them to their portfolio for you to verify. McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

11 Facilitating Independent Learning
Interns are expected to take ownership for their learning They should be prepared for the rotations They should provide preceptors with potential suggested activities, experiences, and evaluations to complete All information is available to you as preceptor This is the intern’s internship! McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

12 Preceptor 101 Becoming a successful Preceptor
(Adapted from: “A Handbook for Preceptors”) McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

13 Strong Interns Are…. Competent – Mastery of field – Knowledge, skills, and application. Confident – Belief in the ability to make good decisions, to be responsible, and to be in control. Self-Directed – Assurance and ability to take charge of one’s personal, professional, and career development. Professional – Understand and assume responsibilities and ethics of dietetics profession. McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

14 Each Intern Is Unique Varied didactic knowledge
Enthusiastic or reserved Learning style Communication skills Life experiences Level of maturity Time management Distinctive cultural/ethnic characteristics McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

15 Learning Shift for Interns
College student-centered to Professional Life-Long Learner Confer with interns about their prior experience Have interns observe and come up with their own strategies Discuss feasibility of their ideas/plans Guide interns as they practice; ask for their opinion Learning Shift for Interns McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

16 Successful Preceptoring
Moves the intern from some level of dependence to a high level of independence. Successful Preceptoring McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

17 Characteristics of an Effective Preceptor
Has sufficient professional knowledge Is a skillful dietitian/practitioner Patient; treats students sincerely, objectively, and with respect Encourages students to think and learn independently (fosters independence) Dedicated, motivated, confident, passionate Good communication/provides constructive feedback Supportive, encouraging, understanding, compassionate, approachable Organized Provide appropriate feedback for students’ improvement Make dietetic practice a fulfilling experience Characteristics of an Effective Preceptor McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

18 Ineffective Preceptors
Lack skill in providing feedback; judgmental Demonstrate a negative attitude toward students and their career McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

19 Roles/functions of an Effective Preceptor
Build a relationship with the intern Provide a complete orientation Supervise the intern throughout the rotation Recognize uniqueness of each intern Identify any barriers the intern may have to learning Provide effective teaching strategies McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

20 Roles/functions of an Effective Preceptor
Provide opportunities to observe the “RD in action” Provide opportunities for practice Promote problem-solving skills Allow creativity Challenge interns Support professional development Provide feedback McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

21 Building a relationship with the Intern
Before rotation starts Give intern directions to the facility and offices and instructions for parking Explain what to wear provide specifics about meals List what supplies/resources to bring Introductions Introduce the intern to significant people and use his/her first name Provide a tour of the facility and explain where the intern will have workspace Policies & Procedures (P&P) Review P&P with intern; set clear rules & expectations Provide time for the intern to ask questions/share information; help him/her to feel comfortable. McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

22 Clear Expectations Provide clear expectations with examples (if possible) Ground rules, dress code, time at the facility, projects Have intern verbalize expectations back Solicit ideas from interns COMMUNICATE throughout project to clarify and refine Having a clear picture with help reduce unnecessary frustration on both sides! McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

23 Division of Responsibility
Intern – Taking ownership for their own learning, being prepared, Seeking out resources, Completing necessary projects and activities. Preceptor – Providing feedback on skills observed in the facility, providing experiences/opportunities, Mentoring/Coaching, Sharing expertise. Faculty – Providing feedback to interns related to written projects and activities, ensuring curriculum meet accreditation requirements, Mentoring/Coaching, Resource for preceptors. While preceptors and faculty are committed to the success of the intern, the ultimate responsibility of the internship is the INTER’S. McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

24 Remember When You were an intern!
McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

25 Create a positive environment
Welcome intern as a valued part of the team! Positive ATTITUDE & Enthusiasm Towards profession Towards interns Foster Open Communication Be patient McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

26 Progression Next steps – how to improve
Demonstration - Intern observes preceptor, Discuss rational for processes with intern Before Discuss the goal, what to look for, any questions During Observe, make notes of key points After Review and analyze Next steps – how to improve Progression McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

27 Progression Practice with supervision Independent Practice
Intern receives feedback on performance Intern makes appropriate corrections with encouragement from preceptor Independent Practice Provide opportunities for independent work within timeframes Set time for questions Continue to take intern to the next level Review intern’s progress with continuous feedback. Progression McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

28 Providing Feedback Be timely Clarify expectations
Use specific examples McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

29 Benefits to Preceptors
“Pay it forward” – Give back to the profession Interns can provide assistance with: Performing certain tasks or projects Supervision of employees Clarifying what you do and how you do it. Bring new knowledge to your facility Organize journal clubs Improve employee morale Free CPEs Benefits to Preceptors McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

30 Handling Challenging situations
Address intern behavior similar to an employee Clarify expectations Communicate concerns early Have intern realistic goal for improving Encourage intern on positive improvements Use evaluations to document concerns in a formal manner Communicate concerns to MSU faculty Handling Challenging situations McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

31 Stay knowledgeable and competent in dietetics
Stay current with professional development portfolios Be a part of professional groups Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and its practice groups, local dietetic groups, and other professional groups. Learn from the interns McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

32 Additional Resources CDR Preceptor Training Free online training
7 modules 8 CPE’s Available URL McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

33 Thank you for your willingness to participate in the training of the dietetic interns enrolled in the McNeese State University Dietetics Program as a preceptor. You are a valuable component to the success of the program. You will help provide the approved pre-professional, supervised practice experience needed by the interns to become Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics registration eligible. You have an enormous impact of the education of the interns and you are able to introduce the interns to the exciting world of dietetics. THANK YOU!!! McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

34 References Iowa State University. Dietetic Internship Program. Preceptors. during#competencies Iowa State University. Preceptor Training Power Point. Preceptors’ Guide For Teaching Dietetic Interns. University of North Carolina University of Houston. Dietetic Internship Program at the University of Houston. Online Preceptor Handbook University of Houston. Preceptor Training PowerPoint. University of Houston Dietetic Internship Program. file:///C:/Users/drjas/Desktop/School%20-%20Mcneese/MI-DI%20McNeese%20Rotations/Week%2038%20Oct% %20Premise%20Health/Preceptoring/Preceptor%20Training%20Dietetic%20Internship-2017.pdf University of North Carolina. Dietetic Internship. “What is a Preceptor?” 9/ internship/for-applicants/what-is-preceptor.aspx Kendall, Anne. & Brown, Susan. Indiana University of Pennsylvania. MS-DI Preceptor Training Program PowerPoint. 7/2010. McNeese State University Dietetic Internship

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