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This Church is Christ’s

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1 This Church is Christ’s
1 Corinthians 3:18-23

2 This Church is Christ’s: Outline
Brief History Exposition of the text Relevance for Contemporary Church: University Chapel

3 1a. History As Greek City state flourished before and after the golden years of Athens (5th Century) Subsequently destroyed but re-founded by Julius Caesar in 44BC as Roman Colony.

4 1b. History Surrounded between two harbors
Became favored trading route for traders travelling between East and West Brought economic success and great influx of people

5 1c. History From West: Romans brought laws, culture and religions
Corinthian: historically Greek, hence retained religion and philsophy From East: mystery cults of Egypt and Asia

6 1d. History Result of such diversity: a diverse and ecletic community
Corinthian Church mirrored the diversity Diversity is in itself not bad: but became the source of disunity amidst the Corinthian church

7 Structure/Problems of Corinthians
Internally division (1:10-4:20); suffering from immorality (5:1-6:20) test cases of the crisis of authority and gospel ( 5:1 – 6:20) ; church struggling with right understanding of marriage and singleness (7:1-40); a church struggling with food being sacrificed to idols (8:1-11:1) a church struggling with right ideals of women and men in worship (11:2-16); the abuse of lord’s supper (11:17-34) the issue of spiritual gifts and spiritual people (12:1-14:40) confusion on the resurrection of believers (15:1-58).

8 2a. Exposition of text 1 Corinthians 3:18-23 is divided into two parts: each beginning with an imperative (authoritative command) 1 Corinthians 3:18-20 – Imperative: “Let no one deceive himself 1 Corinthians 3:21-23 – Imperative: “ let no one boast in men”

9 2b. Exposition of Text Verse 18:
Corinthian church were keen on persuasive philosophy but not on truth of the gospel God’s people must abandon the the securities of the present age and trust in the wisdom of God’s folly

10 2c. Exposition of Text Verse 19-20 Reiteration of 1:18-25
We must trust God’s wisdom even though it seems like foolishness to the world

11 2d. Exposition of Text Verse 21-23
Reference to 1 Corinthians 1:10-12 “ I follow Paul”; “I follow Apollos”; “I follow Cephas”; “I follow Christ.” Paul was stating that confidence should NOT be on placed men but on God

12 3: Reflection Church is God’s This Church is Christ’s
University Chapel is Christ’s

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