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Agenda Warm Up Timeline Activity Discussion: Islamic Civilization

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1 Agenda Warm Up Timeline Activity Discussion: Islamic Civilization
Can you draw a Map?? Bias within Documents: The Seige of Jerusalem. HW: Primary Source Bias Chapter 7 Reading Quiz next class.

2 Warm Up What is the significance of the death of the Caliph Ali?
What are some basic beliefs in Islam?

3 Islamic Civilization: The Caliphates and Expansion
Unit 3

4 The rise of the Caliphate
Abbasid Caliphs brought economic and social change to Islam. Capital City of Baghdad constructed, allows Persian influence. Trading post for the world. Prosperity leads to corruption and immorality. Seljuk Turks, originally hired as mercenaries take control over Abbasid Caliphate in 1055 AD.

5 The Seljuk Turks They did not establish headquarters in Baghdad, since it was falling into ruin from corruption and riots. Attacked by Constantinople, would lead to the Crusades (war of religion). Tensions rise between Christians and Muslims.

6 The Crusades and the Controversy
Alexius I of Constantinople claimed Muslim invaders were desecrating shrines and killing Christians (they were not) 1099- Christians take Jerusalem Saladin’s army takes back Jerusalem in 1187. Tolerated the Christian presence and did not allow a massacre of Christian population. Four Crusades and Christians never take back Jerusalem

7 Islamic Civilization There is no rigid division between Church and State. Islamic Doctrine is consulted to determine questions of politics, economic behavior, civil and criminal law, and social ethics. Class system did exist; however, rulers were not hereditary, and merchants were held in high regard.

8 Society in Islam With a large class system, slavery was also utilized.
Sub-Saharan African population. Qur’an requires women to be treated with respect. However, polygamy is practiced. Women are restricted to their homes and prohibited from male contacts outside of the family.

9 Map Activity In two minutes, draw the seven continents on a blank piece of paper. Only use your memory. After drawing it out, place an X on the most accurate portions (in your opinion)

10 Islamic Map 12th Century.

11 The World? AD

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